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Technical Conference


  • ・In order to effectively achieve the targets set by the Nuclear Risk Research Center(NRRC). which plays a core role in the R&D that is necessary to voluntary safety improvements, all institutions involved will cooperate to: develop the NRRC's organization, activity policy and plans; incorporate R&D output into concrete measures, hence inform such outcomes to the public
  • ・The following topics are discussed in the conference.
       1. The NRRC's activity policy and activity plan
       2. Matters relating to the NRRC's organization
       3. R&D roadmaps and research plan
       4. Evaluation and publication of R&D results
       5. Other matters related to the NRRC's activities

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●General Rules

●Member List

The Technical Conference is composed of the Nuclear Executive Officers of NRRC, the nine electric companies, the Japan Atomic Power Company, Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited, Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd. the plant manufacturers (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.), the Federation of Electric Power Companies of Japan, the Japan Electrical Manufacturers' Associtation and the Japan Nuclear Safety Institute and Atomic Energy Association.

Member list (As of Jul.1, 2024)

●Summaries of the Technical Conference

CNO (Chief Nuclear Officer) Conference


  • ・The Head of NRRC and the CNOs of the electric utilities develop common understanding of its R&D roadmap and vision for future activities as well as the results of the NRRC’s activities; exchange opinions on how to channel business resources into the NRRC; share their approach to issues faced in the voluntary improvement of safety; and discuss the direction to take in solving such issues faced across the industry.
  • ・The following topics are discussed in the conference.
       1. The NRRC's activity policy, activity plan, and output
       2. The NRRC’s business resources
       3. The direction of solving issues regarding voluntary safety improvement
       4. Other matters related to the NRRC's activities

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●General Rules

●Member List

The CNO Conference is composed of the NRRC's executives and the Chief Nuclear Officers of the nine companies, the Japan Atomic Power Company, Japan Nuclear Fuel Limited and Electric Power Development Co., Ltd.

Member list (As of Jul. 1, 2024)

●Summaries of the CNO Conference

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