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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報

本評価につきましては、2000年~2001年に刊行した報告書Y99009とY01006、その後の技術進歩や環境条件の変化に伴う再推計を行い、刊行した報告書(2009年評価:Y09027、Y12031、Y14018)があり、いずれも多数ご利用をいただいておりました。このたび、誤記載の修正とともに2009年評価の三分冊をとりまとめ、電力中央研究所総合報告Y06「日本における発電技術のライフサイクルCO2排出量総合評価」を刊行いたしました。 今後は、こちらをご利用いただきますようお願い申し上げます。




ライフサイクルCO2排出量による発電技術の評価 -最新データによる再推計と前提条件の違いによる影響-


Evaluation of Power Generation Technologies based on Life Cycle CO2 Emissions - Re-estimation using the Latest Data and Effects of the Difference of Conditions -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Assessment of power generation technologies using a life-cycle approach is required from environmental aspects of global warming. This study estimates life-cycle CO2 and CH4 emissions to produce 1 kWh (net) of electricity by different types of technologies, namely, fossil-fired, nuclear, hydro, geothermal, wind and solar-PV. These emissions are calculated based on data and actual conditions of technologies in Japan at 1996 as a reference case. In addition, the effects of the changes of assumptions such as thermal efficieny, enrichment of nuclear fuel and capacity factors on the results are quantitatively analyzed. Our findings could be briefly summarized as follows.(1) Direct emissions associated with combustion of fossi fuels for electricity generation account for 91%, 95% and 79% of life-cycle CO2 (LCCO2) emissions in terms of coal, oil and LNG-fired power, respectively. Direct emissions are affected by CO2 emission factors of fossil fuels and thermal efficiencies. Indirect emissions are dependent on the assumptions of import coutries of fossil fuels for electricity generation. Especially, the difference between LCCO2 emissions of LNG-fired power is 16% depending on which countries LNG is imported from.(2) CO2 emissions from enrichment process of nuclear fuels account for approximatly 3/4 of LCCO2 emissions of nuclear power under the assumption of enrichment by gas diffusion technology in the USA. LCCO2 emissions decrease by approximatly 1/3 of reference values under enrichment by centrifuge technology in Japan. In addition, CO2 emissios from enrichment process is affected by the assumption of concentration of uranium 235. (3) CO2 emissions at the produciton of power plants account for 72-79% of LCCO2 emissions in terms of hydro, solar-PV and wind power. The differnce between CO2 emissions at the construction of hydro power plants is approximatly 4 times depending on their locations. CO2 emissions at the construciton of solar-PV and wind power plants are expected to decrease by 30-50% of reference values because of technological inprovements and diffusion of these power plants in the future.







本藤 祐樹


内山 洋司


森泉 由恵

慶応義塾大学 商学部


ライフサイクル評価 Life Cycle Assessment
地球温暖化 Global warming
電力 Electric power
温暖化ガス Greenhouse gas
産業連関表 Input-output table
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry