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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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自由化時代における供給サービス義務のあり方 -需要家に対する「ベーシック・サービス」の提供-


Public Service Obligation in Liberalized Electricity Markets-Concerning the Provision of `Basic Services' to Customers-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

電気事業の制度改革は小売の自由化という新たな段階を迎えつつある。今後,供給義務を自由化の流れの中でどのように位置づけるかという点が,制度改革を検証,検討する際の論点の一つとして提起されることが考えられる。本報告では,自由化された電力市場における供給保障のあり方,特に,供給者を選択しなかった需要家に対するサービスや,供給者を選択できなかった需要家に対するサービスといった,公益性の観点から求められる,需要家に対する基本的な電力供給サービス(ベーシック・サービス)の提供のあり方について検討した。その結果,(1)ベーシック・サービスの提供は,電気という財の持つ公益性から求められていること, (2)米国では,小売自由化を実施する際にベーシック・サービスの提供を義務づける事例が見られるが,提供主体を誰にするかという点については,いくつかの方法が対立していること-などが明らかになった。

概要 (英文)

The liberalization of the electric power industry is now in the stage of retail market. Based on the report of the Basic Policy Committee of Electric Utility Indutry Council in Japan, retail electricity market in Japan will be liberalized partially in 2000. While, many states are planning to liberalize retail market entirely in the United States. After the liberaliztion of retail market, customers can choose suppliers. Thus, it is not a matter of course that utilities still have the obligation to supply. However, because of the character of electricity, it is thought that customers will be assured a supply of electricity even if they do not or can not choose a new supplier. Therefore, every state in U.S. that has considered the implementation of retail competition has determined that ``basic services'' must be provided to customers who do not or can not choose a competitive supplier. In this paper, we survey the concept of supply obligation and the state of basic services in the United States. The results are: Basic service option exists to serve two different groups of customers -customers who have options to choose suppliers, but not execute it; and customers who are unable to obtain competitive electricity services under reasonable conditions. Services for the former customers are called `Standard Offer Service' while those for the latter are called `Default Service'. Both services are provided in most of the states in U.S. However, some states provide only Default Service. There are three ways to provide basic services: to appoint the distribution company as the provider of the service, to choose supplier via competitive bidding, and to choose supplier via ballot and spread by random assignment.







丸山 真弘



自由化 Liberalization
供給義務 Supply Obligation
電気事業 Electric Utilities
アメリカ合衆国 United States
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry