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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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地球温暖化対策の国際・国内制度設計 -COP4後における課題の整理と考察-


International and intranational design of institutional scheme for climate mitigation: Issues of post-COP4

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The Buenos Aires Action Plan was adopted at Conference Of Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention of the Climate Change (UNFCCC/COP4) in Dec. 1998. The plan aims to strengthen the implementation of the UNFCCC and prepare for the future entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol to the Convention, while keeping political momentum by setting major deadlines at COP6 which is to be held in 2000. The present paper elaborates critical issues and concepts to form an appropriate international and intra-national institutional design. Five critical issues relating Kyoto mechanisms ‐ supplementarity, liability, compliance regime, LUCF, additionality of JI/CDM ‐ were discussed. They all were put into a perspective, i.e., quest for cost-effectiveness vs. integrity of the Kyoto Protocol. The integrity will require a limited use of Kyoto mechanisms and LUCF, as well as buyer’s liability in principle. A relief procedure in compliance regime may be useful to ease economic burdens when they soar in order to keep the integrity, rather than engaging with dubious use of the mechanisms and LUCF. The following issues are covered relating domestic design: typology of voluntary approach, evaluation of early reduction credit proposals, criteria to embark on JI/CDM for a private company, and domestic emissions trading systems. A complementary domestic emission trading is a must, regardless of the choice of the overall systems. Explicit cap is not a prerequisite for such an emission trading system, though it remains a candidate for the institutional scheme of Commitment Periods. Japan’s industries should, putting a wider range of policy instruments in perspective, focus more on the use of emission trading for cost-effective mitigation.







杉山 大志



地球温暖化 global warming
COP4 cop4
制度設計 institutional design
京都メカニズム Kyoto mechanisms
排出権取り引き emission right trading
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry