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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Hybrid Approach for Post-2020 International Climate Change Regime- Negotiations in 2013 and Remaining Issues up to the 2015 deadline-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Parties to the UNFCCC are currently engaged in negotiations on post-2020 international climate framework. They are scheduled to agree on a new framework by COP21 in 2015. This report aims to review discussion occurred in 2013 at the Ad-hoc Working Group on Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP), where Parties negotiate a post-2020 framework, and consider remaining issues up to the 2015 deadline. At the first and second meetings of ADP in 2013, hybrid approach, in which Parties will nationally determine their post-2020 mitigation contributions after ex-ante consultation and assessment on their draft contributions, emerged as a promising option for a new framework, since the United States and European Union proposed it. At the third meeting of ADP held, Parties decided to invite all Parties to initiate domestic preparations for post-2020 contributions and communicate draft contributions well in advance of COP21, for those Parties ready to do so by March 2015. However, they were not able to agree on whether or not they will engage in ex-ante consultation and assessment after communication, partly because of opposition by several developing countries, including China and India. In addition to choice of the approaches, the following issues are likely to be crucial at the negotiations in 2014 and 2015: (1)assessment of fairness and adequacy of Parties' draft contributions, (2)a way of differentiation among Parties, (3)interpretation of 2 degrees Celsius goal,(4)legal nature of a post-2020 framework, and (5)elements of a new agreement.







上野 貴弘

社会経済研究所 エネルギー技術評価領域


地球温暖化 Climate Change
ダーバンプラットフォーム Durban Platform
2020年以降の温暖化枠組み Post-2020 Climate Framework
ハイブリッドアプローチ Hybrid Approach
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry