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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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電気自動車の夜間充電負荷に対する系統影響緩和策の提案 -負荷変動対策の検証-


Effective Measures for Load Leveling of Electric Vehicle Charging during Nighttime

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In the transportation sector, electric vehicles (EVs) are being developed as environmentally friendly means. However, large-scale deployment of EVs results in addition of load on the current power system. Without control over the temporal distribution of EV charging, steep peaks of load could arise which cause severe problems on the power system. To solve these problems, we propose two charging algorithms for the purpose of load leveling. The first algorithm uses off-peak rate period to induce the charging time of EVs to late night hours. We test this algorithm in two cases: in the first, all EVs are assigned at the same off-peak period; in the second, all EVs are divided into two groups, and each group is assigned at its individual off-peak rate period separately. The second algorithm changes the starting time of charging according to the charging duration required for full charge. We test this algorithm in two cases: one uses linear function of required charging duration to change the starting time, and the other uses quadratic function, in order to disperse the starting time of EVs with short charging durations.
We evaluated those proposed algorithms by a generation cost model. The algorithm changing the starting time of charging based on the quadratic function is the most effective for load leveling, as the generation cost as well as the maximum load fluctuation turns out the least among all the cases.







高木 雅昭

社会経済研究所 経済・社会システム領域

田頭 直人

社会経済研究所 経済・社会システム領域

浅野 浩志



電気自動車 Electric Vehicles
充電負荷 Charging Load
負荷平準化 Load Leveling
深夜割引料金 Off-peak Rates
自律分散制御 Decentralized Autonomous Control
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry