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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Transition of the Diffusion Policies and their Impacts with the Market on Electric Vehicle in Japan

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In 2009, electric vehicles (EVs) with advanced batteries appeared in Japan and are expected to grow significantly in the next decade. The objective of this research is to review transition of the diffusion policies and plans and their impacts with on EVs in Japan in order to examine directions for diffusion measures in the future. We categorized policies since 1970's into three according to EV technology development; the first generation (1970's - middle of 1990's), the second generation (-middle of 2000's), and the third generation (after the second) policies. Key findings are as follows:
1) The main purpose of introduction of EV in the first and second generations was air pollution abatement; climate mitigation was also targeted from the second generation. Main measures of those policies were financial support and incentives for purchasing EVs by early adopters and implementation of pilot programs for verifying EV technology development. The targets on the number of EVs were never achieved because of EV's characteristics such as short mileages per charge and high prices. Although carsharing services and rent-a-car business were introduced to resolve those issues, targeted user's lifestyles and trip patterns were not matched with those services. 2) For the third generation policies, although main measures to date are similar with the ones in the former generations, the new trends of policies and markets evolve; a) policy development of local governments, b) establishment of local organizations jointly operated by public and private sectors, c) installation of charging infrastructure by private enterprises. 3) Since diverse EV usage patterns were found during the first and second generation policies; boosting EV users in each pattern is required for the third generation, To this end, implementing well-designed diffusion measures according to EV usage patterns based on targeted consumers' lifestyles must be essential.







土屋 依子

社会経済研究所 地域政策領域

田頭 直人

社会経済研究所 地域政策領域

馬場 健司

社会経済研究所 地域政策領域


電気自動車 Electric Vehicle
普及政策 Diffusion Policy
市場動向 Market Trend
地方自治体 Local Government
カーシェアリング Carsharing Service
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry