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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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A Study on Measurement of Individual Hazard Perception (Part 2):Development of Rating Scales Based on the Content, Severity and latency of Hazards

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

前報にて,1) 数多く危険源を指摘出来ること,2) 指摘した危険源がどのような悪い結果につながるかについて深く洞察出来ること,の2点を測定することで個人の危険感受性を評価できるのではないかという示唆が得られた。数多く危険源を指摘出来ることも重要ではあるが,限られた認知資源ならびに現場での時間的制約を考慮した場合,より見つけにくく,かつ,危険度の高い危険源に多く気づけること,また,多様な種類の危険源に気づけることが重要であるという仮説のもと,提示する危険源を内容の類似性や見つけにくさ,危険度に応じ,分類を行い,これらの分類方法が危険感受性を測定できる指標になりうるかを調べるべく,被験者実験を行った。その結果,1) 映像に含まれる危険源内容に着目した分類を行い,被験者がどのような観点で危険源を捉えるか,2) 危険源の見つけにくさと危険度(危険源がもたらす被害度×災害発生確率)に着目した分類を行い,どの区分に多く回答することが出来るか,の2点を測定することで,個人の危険感受性が評価できるのではないかということを示唆することが出来た。

概要 (英文)

Hazard perception is an essential ability to prevent an accident or human error in workplace. Although some safety activities and educations are carried out for improvement of workers' hazard perception in sites, there are get into a rut not to estimate the effects of them. Our previous study has shown that it will be able to measure the individual inherent hazard perception from the number of hazards identification and the depth of the context. Although it's important to detect hazardous points to a thorough enough degree, to identify hazardous points in a weighted manner according to their severity is also indispensable dimension for evaluating individual ability of hazard perception. The purpose of this study is to propose a new set of rating scales for measuring individual hazard perception by classifying the content, severity and latency of hazards.
Thirteen participants were requested to identify hazards in the following two films; 1: working at an office, which all participants were familiar with, and 2: overhauling a valve, which no one had the experience. These hazards were classified according to the following aspects: 1) similarity of the content, 2) latency (the degree of difficult-to-find), 3) the extent of damage and the frequency of occurrence, 4) the product of 2) and 3). Then, to confirm whether these classifications were applicable as the rating scales of personal hazard perception, the degree of coincidence about the contents of hazards within each participant and the differences of the level of hazard between those participants who had the knowledge of human factors and the others who didn't were analyzed.
The results showed that the tendency of hazards identification was almost similar within each participant between the two situations shown in the films. Also, those participants who had the knowledge of human factors succeeded to identify more hazardous and more latent hazardous points than the other participants who didn't. From these results, it was suggested that the proposed rating scales, while still need refinement and tuning, might evaluate individual hazard perception.







廣瀬 文子

社会経済研究所 ヒューマンファクター研究センター

武田 大介

社会経済研究所 ヒューマンファクター研究センター

山崎 寛享

社会経済研究所 ヒューマンファクター研究センター


危険感受性 Hazard Perception
労働災害 Occupational Accident
設備災害 Equipment-related Accident
潜在的危険 Potential Hazard
顕在的危険 Obvious Hazard
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry