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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






The Bottom-up Approach for Post-2012 International Climate Change Agreement

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

This report examines with a bottom-up approach for post-2012 international climate change agreement. Historically, the Kyoto Protocol follows a top-down approach in a sense that countries agreed on international emissions targets for developed countries at first and then respective countries implement domestic policies to meet their targets. By contrast, in a bottom-up approach, countries domestically determine their policies and measures to control emissions at first at their discretion and then place their actions at an international framework for the purpose of international authoraization. Reviewing research literature and policy proposals by countries, the author identifies three features of the bottom-up approach, in comparison to the Kyoto Protocol. First, domestic policy and measures adopted by respective countries replace internationally-negotiated targets. This reflects the current situation that countries are likely to implement their policies and measures based on domestic laws despite little clarity on international framework after 2013. Second, commitments to actions replace commitments to results such as maximum emissions at a certain target year. Finally, implementation of actions countries commit to is internationally reviewed by experts and other countries. Unlike the Kyoto Protocol which penalizes non-compliance countries, this approach aims to facilitate further efforts by countries by increasing transparency through international review. Considering the fact that the Copenhagen Accord that was taken note of by COP15 in 2009 basically follows a bottom-up approach, this report then compares the Accord with the possible extension of the Kyoto Protocol after 2013, in terms of environmental effectiveness, cost-effectiveness, responses to new information, and participation and compliance, and conclude that the former is likely to be advantageous, particularly in terms of the second and third criteria, although this assessment is subject to the future development of the Copenhagen Accord.







上野 貴弘

社会経済研究所 エネルギー技術政策領域


地球温暖化 Climate Change
ポスト京都議定書 Post-2012 climate agreements
ボトムアップアプローチ Bottom-up approach
コペンハーゲン合意 Copenhagen Accord
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry