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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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欧州の電気料金の変動要因分析 ―燃料費上昇の影響と料金転嫁率―


An empirical analysis of electricity retail price changes in Europe - The effects of fuel cost rising and pass through rates to customers -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In 2007, escalating fuel prices dealt a heavy blow to world economy. As well as petroleum products, commodity prices increased through their material transport and package costs. Electric power companies with fossil power plants also received a blow. In Japan, power companies can pass through fuel costs to customers based on a regulation. However, European power companies can subjectively decide it in the liberalized electricity market. Thus, only company managements know the shift rate to customers.
After examining the development of electricity prices and main cause of their change, this study attempts to estimate the influence of increasing fuel cost onto electricity retail prices and also clarify the trend of fuel cost shift rates to customers from 1991 to 2007 for 14 EU countries. As a result, we can observe as follows:
1) In nominal terms, domestic electricity prices in Europe increases moderately, while sharp rise is observed from 2000 for industrial prices.
2) Although taxes and other public charges have a nearly 50% share of the price in Denmark and Germany, the impact of their changes is limited. Energy cost should be the most important driving factor of electricity price.
3) If fuel cost rises by 1%, retail electricity prices will rise by 0.24-0.52%. In addition, they are moderated by nuclear and hydraulic power and fuel stock, and accelerated by renewable energy.
4) In the year of rapid rise of fuel prices, i.e. 2000 and 2005, power companies pass through their fuel costs with a few years delay.







筒井 美樹

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

服部 徹

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域


電気料金 Electricity retail prices
欧州 European countries
燃料費高騰 Fuel price rising
転嫁率 Pass through rate
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry