電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
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環境保全分野におけるNPO・市民団体の活動 - 質問紙調査データを用いた協働と政策過程への関与の分析 -
Activities of Environmental Conservation NPOs/Citizen Groups - Questionnaire Data Analysis on Their Partnership and Policy Process Involvement -
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
企業や行政にとってより効果的な協働の参考となる基礎情報を蓄積しておくため,環境保全分野におけるNPO・市民団体を対象とする質問紙調査を実施し,彼らの活動(協働における役割分担や政策過程への関与など)について明らかにする.主な分析結果は以下のとおりである.1) 約7割の団体が行政との協働を経験する一方,企業との協働は約4割にとどまる.協働の際の役割分担としては,自ら企画力を提案する役割が,協働経験のある団体の約半数を占める一方,下請け的な位置づけとなっている団体が約16%存在する.2) 活動の形態として,何らかの政策提言を行っている(政策提言型)か否か(非政策提言型)は,協働における役割分担を規定したり,今後の協働における課題を評価したりする上で重要な要因である.3) 政策提言型団体は,学識経験者やマスコミをはじめ,「相談や働きかけのできる相手」を多く持っており,政策の立案・執行への影響を持つと評価するものが多い.また,政策提言型団体の政策提言や政治的行動の方法は,行政担当者への接触が最も多く(78.6%),次いで審議会・委員会の委員となることが多い(54.3%).
概要 (英文)
As the "Law to Promote Specified Nonprofit Activities NPO" has been in force for a decade, expectations have grown for NPOs/Citizen Groups to take active roles on environemtnal conservation policy. By analyzing the data collected from environmental conservation NPOs/Citizen Groups through questionnaire, this paper clarifies a Japanwide trends on their activities focusing on their partnership with governmental bodies and/or private companies and policy recommendation involvement.
Major findings are as follows; 1) Scopes and types of the NPOs/Citizen Groups' activities are dominated by information provision in global warming and environmental education while activities regarding policy recommendation are limited to a part of NPOs/Citizen Groups. 2) While most NPOs/Citizen Groups (approximately 70% of the sample) have experienced partnership with governmental bodies, NPOs/Citizen Groups which have experienced partnership with private companies remain at approximately 40%. Almost a half of NPOs/Citizen Groups who have experienced partnership play a role of making proposals to partners, while those NPOs/Citizen Groups who play a role of subcontract are limited to approximately 16%. 3) NPOs/Citizen Groups tend to indicate "Strengthening of human resource development", "Enhancing their own ability to make proposals" and "Accumulating successful achievements" as one of the problems to be solved for the future in partnership. 4) "Advocacy NPOs/Citizen Groups" who are involved in policy process in a broad sense tend to have various advisers than non-advocacy NPOs/Citizen Groups. 5) "Advocacy NPOs/Citizen Groups" tend to evaluate that they have influence to policy making and implementation. 6) "Advocacy NPOs/Citizen Groups" tend to have various experiences from foundation and more affiliates than non-advocacy NPOs/Citizen Groups. The popular advocacy and political actions of the NPOs/Citizen Groups are "Contact with governmental officals" and "Becoming a member of council and/or committee"
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
馬場 健司 |
社会経済研究所 地域研究領域 |
共 |
三田村 朋子 |
社会経済研究所 |
共 |
田頭 直人 |
社会経済研究所 地域研究領域 |
和文 | 英文 |
NPO | Non Profit Organization |
環境保全 | Environmental Conservation |
協働 | Partnership |
政策提言 | Advocacy |