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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






The European support policies for production of electricity from renewable energy sources: Costs and their shift schemes to consumers

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

Feed-in Tariff(FIT)制度により太陽光発電設備容量が世界第一位となったドイツ,日本と同様にRenewables Portfolio Standars(RPS)制度を実施している英国およびスウェーデンに着目し,それらの制度の動向,特に制度により生じる追加費用とその転嫁規定を把握した.ドイツのFITでは,配電事業者に対し,FIT対象設備からの電力(FIT電力)の購入および規定単価での支払義務が課されており,配電事業者から送電系統運用者,系統運用者から供給事業者に至る購入費用の転嫁規定がある.一方,供給事業者に対し,再生可能エネルギー電源による発電量を示す証書の調達義務が課されている英国のRPSでは,消費者への転嫁規定はない.スウェーデンのRPSでは,2006年までは消費者が義務付けの対象であり,供給事業者は義務を履行しない消費者の代替業務を行っていたため,供給事業者が消費者に対して代替履行費を転嫁する権利を有することが規定されていた.なお,ドイツのFITでは,電力集約型企業の国際競争力を阻害しないように,供給事業者から対象企業への転嫁額を制限する措置がある.スウェーデンのRPSでも,電力集約型企業は,製造過程における年間電力消費量の一部,または全部が,義務対象消費量から除外される.

概要 (英文)

The objective of this research is to investigate costs of the European support policies for production of electricity from renewable energy sources, such as the feed-in tariff (FIT) policy in Germany, and the renewables portfolio standard (RPS) systems in the U.K. and in Sweden, and their shift schemes to consumers. Key findings are as follows:
1) In Germany, distributors are required to purchase electricity from FIT eligible facilities at regulated prices. Grid operators must buy the electricity from distributors and equalize the amount of electricity between operators. Suppliers purchase the equalized amount of electricity from grid operators. There is a stipulation to limit electricity rate impacts for electricity-intensive companies and rail operators to 0.05 euro-cent/kWh. The total production from eligible facilities in 2007 was 67 TWh and the additional cost was 4.3 billion euros. 2) In the U.K., suppliers must present certificates issued for production of eligible electricity according to their obligation levels, or buyout part of their obligations at 3 pence/kWh. There is no rule for passing additional costs to consumers. The mandatory target of the Great Britain in 2007 was 7.9% with the estimated cost of 0.9 billion pounds. 3) Under the Swedish RPS effective until the end of 2006, consumers must have met their obligations and suppliers had been required to purchase certificates on behalf of their consumers. There was a regulation that suppliers inform their consumers of rate impacts caused by RPS. In 2007, liable parties were changed to suppliers. A part of electricity consumption of electricity-intensive manufactures is exempted from obligations. The additional cost was 2.8 billion krones under the target of 15.1% in 2007.







田頭 直人

社会経済研究所 地域研究領域

岡田 健司



再生可能エネルギー Renewable Energy
RPS制度 Renewables Portfolio Standard
買取義務付け制度 Feed-in Tariff
欧州 Europe
費用転嫁規定 Cost Shift Scheme
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry