電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
RecentTrend of Electricity Liberalization in EU - From the Viewpoint of Transmission Activities -
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
(2)欧州では、既に10か国以上がTSO に対する所有権のアンバンドリングを実施しているおり、欧州委員会は、所有権のアンバンドリングは財産権を保障する欧州各国の憲法には抵触していないと主張している。しかし、財産上の損失に対する補償という面で、その主張は必ずしも説得的ではない。
(3)欧州主要国では、自国の送電系統の輸送能力の拡大の動きは見られるものの、国家間送電線の容量は近年あまり増強されていない。欧州委員会の提案では、各国のTSO の送電投資計画を、設立が提案されている欧州送電系統運用者ネットワーク(ENTSO) がとりまとめ、欧州大の計画を策定するが、この投資計画は各TSO を拘束しない。ただし、今後、卸電力取引の活発化や再生可能エネルギーの積極的な導入などに伴い、国家間連系線の更なる増強が求められた場合、今回の欧州委員会の提案は、より権限強化された組織の創設への布石となる可能性が高い。一方「第三の選択肢」は、各TSOが策定した投資計画を、パブリックコメントの手続きに付した上で、各国の規制当局等に変更命令を下す権限を与えている。これには、各国の意思が送電線投資に反映できる形を今後も継続したいという意図があるものと思われる。
概要 (英文)
In this report, we surveyed the trend and current situation of the reforms of the electricity market in EU from the viewpoint of transmission activities, and discussed effects of ownership unbundling of Transmission System Operator (TSO) on transmission business and its implication to the Japanese system reforms. The results are follows:
(1) The proposal of the Third Electricity Liberalization Directive proposed by the European Commission on Sep. 2007 required to divest TSO from vertical integrated utility (ownership unbundling). The Commission proposed the requirement to promote the investment of transmission line, especially cross-border transmission, and establish the internal energy market around EU countries. To the contrary, eight EU Countries including France and Germany proposed "The Third Option" as a countermeasure of the proposal by the Commission. This option is expected to keep the merit of vertical integration through the substitution between generation and transmission to a certain extent.
(2) More than ten European countries has already ownership-unbundled their TSO from generation and supply business. However, the ownership and corporate structure of these countries were quite different from that in Japan.
(3) The Commission explained that ownership unbundling does not infringe the property right guaranteed by the Constitution of EU countries. However, the explanation is not persuasive from the viewpoint of compensation for the loss of property.
(4) In the Commission's proposal, the European Network Transmission System Operators shall adapt a non-mandatory 10-year network investment plan by gathering the investment plans drawn by each TSO. To the Contrary, "The Third Option" is allowed the competent national body to consult a draft for the 10-year network investment plan adapted by TSO and to order the TSO to amend its investment plan in case of need.
(5) Each European country is required to enlarge the length of its transmission network to reduce transmission congestion. On the other hand, the usage of cross-border transmission is increasing due to the active wholesale electricity trade over the countries, especially in Europe, renewable energies, especially wind powers are installed aggressively. Therefore the enlargement of the capacity of cross-border transmission is requested. Nevertheless, the capacity of cross-border transmission is not increased recently.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
丸山 真弘 |
社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域 |
共 |
岡田 健司 |
社会経済研究所 |
和文 | 英文 |
電力自由化 | Liberalization of Electric Power Industry |
欧州連合 | European Union |
送電部門 | Transmission Activities |
アンバンドリング | Unbundling |
投資 | Investment |