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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






A survey of the Current Situation of Transmission Right in US and European Countries

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

電力系統の安定性・信頼性と広域的な卸電力取引の経済的メリットを確保するために,様々な送電混雑管理手法が提案され実用化されている。その中で,欧米の一部の国・地域では,「送電権(Transmission Right)」という新しい考え方が採用されている。送電権(または送電利用権)とは,主に①流通設備の使用において金融上の便益を受ける権利,②送電設備を使用する権利と定義されている。実際には,上記の①を主な目的とする金融的送電権(FTR:Financial Transmission Right),②を主たる目的とする物理的送電権(PTR:Physical Transmission Right)が実用化されている。さらに,米国では,長期の物理的・金融的送電権の採用を促進する動きもある。

概要 (英文)

Many transmission congestion management schemes are proposed to secure stability and reliability of electric power systems and economic merits of wholesale electricity trades. In US and some European countries, Transmission Right (TR) such as "Financial Transmission Right (FTR)" and "Physical Transmission Right (PTR)" is introduced as the transmission congestion management scheme.
The objective of this report is to clarify problems about the introduction of TR by surveys of some actual FTR/PTR systems. Therefore we report an outline of PJM's FTR as a typical example of it, and a summary of Transmission Capacity Allocation for the cross-border transmissions capacity between Germany, Belgium and Netherland as an example of the PTR.
In these actual FTR/PTR systems, various ideas such as selection of the FTR credit option and the combination of multi/single round PTR auction are applied to secure equitability of the network system use. Furthermore, the issues about the introduction of TR are as follows.
* An effect of transmission congestion reduction by the locationnal spot pricing may be offset because the FTR holders do not incur risk of congestion charge by hedging so not decrease power flows on congestion transmission lines.
* The PTR market can separate from the wholesale electricity trade market. When local market structures between interconnected countries are different, it is possible for the allocation of the PTR relatively easily. However, it is necessary to design PTR holding (expiration date) or the timing of the PTR market opening in consideration of a characteristic of the system use.







岡田 健司

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

渡邉 尚史

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域


金融的送電権 Financial Transmission Right
物理的送電権 Physical Transmission Right
送電権市場 Transmission Right Market
送電混雑 Transmission Congestion
国際連系線 Cross-border transmission
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry