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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




中国地域における開業支援体制に関する調査 -産業支援機関に対するインタビュー調査結果ー


A Survey on the Support Structure for Start-ups in Chugoku Region

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Since new firms introduce new production technology and new business model into the economies, starting-up new business is thought to be a major driving force to improve the productivity of regional economies. Furthermore, the new firms provide opportunities of employment. Therefore, supporting and promoting starting-ups are critically important for the regional economy. While many local governments have provided various supports since late 1990's, providing opportunities for learning management skills, funding high-tech firms for example, the number of start-ups has not increased in Japan.
The objective of this paper is two folds; 1) to clarify the reason why the supports actually provided by the local governments have not worked properly, and 2) to extract the policy implication for the successful supports. In order to do this, we conducted interview survey to support agencies in Chugoku region.
The results of our interviews indicate that there exist several supporting functions in the region. However their functions are usually overlapped and each agency provides their service independently. These supporting services provided by several agencies are not properly organized for successfully promoting start-ups in the region. In order to have effective supporting system, our research suggests that the independent functions need to be effectively networked, and in doing so, the leadership of the local government is indispensable. Furthermore, the supporting functions are concentrated on the regions that are highly populated or have industrial agglomeration, because the entrepreneurs who need the supporting services tend to locate at such regions in order to capitalize on the business opportunities. Consequently, the less populated or less agglomerated regions do not have sufficient supporting functions and to fail to provide demanded services. In order to provide the services at such regions, it is required to develop the network of the supporting functions between the populated and the less populated regions.







黒瀬 誠

社会経済研究所 地域経済・エネルギー技術政策領域

大塚 章弘

社会経済研究所 地域経済・エネルギー技術政策領域

人見 和美

社会経済研究所 地域経済・エネルギー技術政策領域


新規開業 Start-ups
産業支援機関 Industrial support organization
連携 Collaboration
リーダーシップ Leadership
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry