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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Current Status and Issues of Demand Response Program in US

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Some regions in U.S. have introduced a mechanism called Demand Response Program (DRP) from about 2000. DRP, which adjusts customer’s electricity demand using price elasticity, is expected to improve reliability of power systems and to mitigate price spikes occurred in wholesale electricity market. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has placed Demand Response Program in long-term resource planning as well as power plants and transmission grid. In Japan, meanwhile, from April 2005, electricity have been traded in day-ahead market of Japan Electric Power Exchange (JEPX). Prices contracted at JEPX are expected to become reference prices so as to invest in power plants and to manage specific risks. It is hoped to verify whether DRP contributes better reliability in Japan.In this report, institutional issues in DRP are clarified from experiences of US where DRP has been implemented earlier. First, we survey the status quo of DRP in New York ISO, PJM, and ISO New England. After that, we classify the discussions about institutional issues in DRP. Main issues are represented as follows:・ In order to introduce DRP, conventional mechanisms like Demand Side Management (DSM) should be re-arranged properly with DRP. DSM and DRP have often same objectives which designate to reduce peak demand, to secure long-term adequacy and to exploit price elasticity of demand. On the other hand, DRP focuses on wholesale market which is out of the scope of DSM.・ It is discussed that adequacy would not be well maintained because a Load Serving Entity can stand in lack of capacity by paying penalty when incentives for procurement of capacity is insufficient.・ Because calculation of Customer Baseline Load differs among ISOs, their validities should be investigated carefully.・ So as to justify application of DRP, the following issues should be assessed: improvement of social welfare, load reduction value as capacity reserves, and risk due to uncertainty of demand-supply.







山口 順之


今中 健雄


浅野 浩志



需要反応プログラム Demand Respose Program
リアルタイム料金 Real-Time Pricing
デマンドサイドマネジメント Demand-Side Management
価格スパイク Price Spike
ベースライン負荷 Customer Baseline Load
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry