電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
Analysis of Public Attitudes to Wind Farms in Host Communities
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
地球温暖化対策の1つとして,大規模風力発電所(ウィンドファーム)の建設が全国各地で急速に進められているが,景観を巡る論争がしばしば発生している.本稿は,ウィンドファームの立地地域住民を対象として実施したアンケート調査データを分析した.主な結果は次のとおり.1) ウィンドファームの景観は,海岸立地型で,普段の生活の中で間近に感じる距離であるほど高く評価されている.景観問題は軽視されるべきではないが,必ずしも最も重要な論点ではない.建設前後での様々な心配や期待についてコミュニケーションを図っていくことが,ウィンドファームの評価を高める上で重要である.2) 今後のウィンドファーム開発に対する住民の受容意向は,立地場所によって大きく異なる.徒歩圏内では判断に迷うが,車・バイク圏内のように一定の距離がとられれば受容意向を持つ人は大幅に増える.また,自然公園では非常に少ないが,洋上では非常に多い.
概要 (英文)
A number of wind farms are getting emerged rapidly over recent years in Japan, which often causes local disputes. One of the typical conflicts is between two environmental issues; those addressing global warming and others preserving local environment such as landscape. While understanding the public attitudes is effective to avoid potential disputes, the public opinion surveys specialized in wind farms have not ever been conducted in Japan. This paper clarifies the public attitudes to wind farms in host communities in Japan through a questionnaire. The respondents are chosen from the public living in six communities where wind farms are sited, Tomamae, Esashi, Rokkasho, Sakata, Hisai and Kitakyushu. These communities contrast with each other on location and developer. Main findings are summarized as follows. First, although the landscape should be one of the issues to be addressed seriously, it is not always the most significant, since communicating specific concerns and expectations with the public is more important. In general, while "Landscape" and "interference" proved unfounded for most respondents, certain part of respondents say "damage to local environment" and "feasibility" still remain to be matters of concern. The specific expectations mentioned by the most respondents include "a measure to address global warming", followed by "avoiding reliance on imported resources", "benefits to local economy", "enhancing local community's image" and "boost for sightseeing" etc. Second, the more close to the site they live and/or more frequently they look over from home, the more positively they evaluate the landscape of their local wind farms on seashore. Thirdly, acceptability of a future wind farm changes depending on sites. The public who accept a wind farm may more increase if the potential site will be in a certain distance from home requiring a drive than in a short distance where one can walk from home. This tendency is observed more clearly for offshore while the opposite is observed in natural parks. Forth, one of the silent majority "observer" who is defined as the public who need opportunities to be informed in general term, but are unwilling to participate in the process in particular case that a wind farm project emerge close to their homes, accounts for around 40%. A part of them might oppose to wind farm projects if local environment conservation would not be very well taken care of. Therefore, how to communicate with people of the category is the critical for further installations.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
馬場 健司 |
社会経済研究所地域経済・エネルギー技術政策領域 |
共 |
田頭 直人 |
社会経済研究所地域経済・エネルギー技術政策領域 |
和文 | 英文 |
風力発電 | Wind Power |
施設立地 | Facility Siting |
環境影響評価 | Environmental Impact Assessment |
景観 | Landscape |
参加型手法 | Participatory Approach |