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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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地方自治体における環境・エネルギー政策過程 -- 政策形成・決定・実施過程と政策波及の分析 --


Analysis of Environmental and Energy Policy Processes in the Local Governments in Japan ‐ Policy Development, Implementation Processes and Policy Diffusion ‐

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

地方分権化の進展は,地方自治体に独自の政策立案能力を求めている.また,地域レベルの地球温暖化対策など,環境・エネルギー政策における自治体の役割は今後より大きくなることが見込まれている.本稿は,自治体の環境・エネルギー政策を取り上げ,自治体を対象としたアンケート調査データの分析により,新しい政策が自治体間で政策が波及していく様態とその決定要因を明らかにした上で,政策形成・決定・実施過程における関与アクターやその参加の場の実態を明らかにした.主な結果は次のとおり.1) 政策が自治体間で波及して策定されていく様態は,それぞれの条例・計画で異なる.波及の規定要因は,自治体規模や組織的要因,地域社会要因などである.2) 環境基本計画と地域新エネルギー・ビジョンの形成・決定過程において,中心的に関与するアクターが異なっている.3) 新エネルギー事業実施過程における関与アクターはエネルギー種別で異なる.

概要 (英文)

Promotion of decentralization of authority in Japanese administrative systems requires the local governments to develop their own policymaking capacities. Some institutional schemes such as the "Law concerning the Promotion of Measures to Cope with Global Warming", also expect the local governments to play important roles in implementing environmental and energy policy. Especially in the area of environmental and energy policy of the local government, sufficient findings regarding "policy diffusion" which means phenomena that a new policy is formulated in a local government at first and becomes popular through adoption by many local governments after another, and policy processes on which any actors have an influence from development to implementation have not been clarified. This paper investigates the development and implementation processes and diffusion on environmental and energy policies by analyzing the data collected from local governments’ officials through questionnaire. Main findings are as follows; 1) Timing of adoption of plans and ordinances on environment and energy policy by local governments is influenced by their population size, organizational factors, reference group factors, and community factors such as vigorousness of NGO activities in community. 2) There are two major plans which form the basis of environmental and energy policy; "Environmental Basic Plan" or "New Energy Vision". The latter tends to be developed by the head or officials in planning department by themselves, whereas the former tends to be developed by the officials in environmental department and/or citizens selected from among applicants. 3) The actors involved in the implementation process of new energy project are different among energy sources; typically some solar energy projects are found to get implemented by the limited actors with subsidy from the central government face a lack of expertise.







馬場 健司


青木 一益

富山大学 経済学部経営法学科

木村 宰



地方自治体 Local Government
環境・エネルギー政策 Environmental and Energy Policy
新エネルギー New Energy
政策過程 Policy Process
政策波及 Policy Diffusion
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry