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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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原油価格高騰の産業別物価への影響 -2002年以降高騰期と石油危機時との比較分析-


Influence of Soaring Oil Prices on the Japanese Industrial Prices‐Comparative Analysis of Soaring Oil Price Period since 2002 and Oil Crisis Period‐

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Japanese economy had experienced two periods of soaring oil-price, the first had occurred in 1973-1974, and the second had occurred in 1979-1980. These periods are called Oil-Crises because the soaring oil price had inflate the prices of other domestic goods and services through inter-industrial transactions, and the change in relative prices had resulted the serious disturbance in market equilibrium. From the beginning of 2002, the oil price has been escalating from about $20/barrel to around $50/barrel due to the worldwide strong demand for energy, and the soaring oil price is supposed to change the relative prices in Japanese market. Therefore the escalating oil price may have brought the third oil-crisis into Japanese economy.We compared the impact of the high oil prices on the Japanese producer price by sector in two oil-crises and the current situation using the decomposition techniques of input-output analysis. The major findings obtained from our hypothetical analysis are as follows; (1) In the first oil crisis, the domestic-producer price rose 37.3% in average. The major factor of this inflation was the inflation in wages, and the contribution of the wages hike was 25.2%. Almost 70% of the increase in the average price was explained by the rise of the wages.(2) In the second oil crisis, the domestic-producer price rose 19.1% in average. The major factor of the increase in average price was the rise of oil, coal, and natural gas prices, and their contribution were 9.0%. The contribution of the increase in wages was down to 8.0%, which explained 40% of the rise in the average price.(3) In the current period of soaring oil price, the inflation of the average price is 1.9%. The major factor that affects the moderate increase in the average price is the oil, coal, and natural gas import prices, and their contribution is 1.5%. The wages contribute 0.2%, which explains only 10% of the rise in average price.(4) Our analysis shows that the inflation of the average producer price is heavily depend on the change in wages, which is determined in labor market.







服部 恒明


松江 由美子

東京経営短期大学 経済学部教授


原油価格高騰 Soaring Oil Price
石油危機 Oil Crisis
インフレーション Inflation
産業連関モデル Input-Output Model
要因分解法 Decomposition Techniques
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry