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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






An empirical study on mitigation of sleep inertia after a short rest break

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The purposes of this study is to identify the adequate methods which can enhance the arousal level as soon as possible and maintain the subsequent task performance. Eleven subjects participated in this study. Series of 1-digit addition task on visual display unit were assigned to each subject for 100 min. A rest break was given for 15 min in the middle of the task After the rest, the following 7 methods that were presumed to mitigate sleep inertia were introduced for 15 min: (1) wiping their faces with cold wet towels and getting a breeze from an electric fan (but only for a minute or two), (2) the same as (1) but using cold wet fragrant towels, (3) doing a stretching exercises and radio gymnastic exercises, (4) playing a PC game, (5) taking 100mg of caffeine, (6) the same as (1), and (7) taking 5g of soy peptide. To assess arousal level, electroencephalogram (EEG) was measured, as well as performances and psychological indices. As the results, the following observations were suggested.1)Playing a PC game, doing a stretching exercises, and wiping one’s face with cold wet towels had relieved sleep inertia when the subsequent performance was started.2)Caffeine is the useful method to keep good task performance, while games, cold wet towels and peptide showed as good effects.3)It was revealed as important to take a warm-up period for at least 10 min to relieve sleep inertia after rest breaks. 4)As a preliminary step, the rest methods which could reduce the arousal level immediately and keep stably sleep were investigated using three rest methods before the warm-up method. As the results, listening to music with the fragrant warm towels could help stable sleep and promote a good mood after the rest period in comparison to the no fragrant warm towels. However, It remains an unsettled question how to lead arousal level as lower and sooner as possible into a short break.







廣瀬 文子


長坂 彰彦



休憩 rest break
作業成績 task performance
覚醒度 arousal level
脳波 electroencephalogram
睡眠慣性 sleep inertia
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry