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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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2030年までの経済・エネルギー展望 -財政再建時代の成長シナリオ-


Outlook for the Japanese Economy and Energy Up To the Year 2030 ―Growth Scenario in the Age of Financial Reconstruction―

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Two years ago, we carried out the long-term outlook for the Japanese economy and energy up to the year 2025 by using the CRIEPI long-term forecasting system. In order to perform analysis of a global warming issue and an aged society and so forth, we have extended the prediction target year to five-year after, and carried out the outlook based on three scenarios (low/medium/high economic growth cases). The major results are as follows: The average annual growth rate of real GDP will remain in 0.3~1.3% (low growth case~high growth case) of low level during 2000~2030 due to the consumption tax increase and the population decrease and so forth. The rate of an outstanding government bond to nominal GDP will reach 129~74% in the year 2030. In which case, the growth of an electric device, communication and broadcast, business services (software development etc.), and medical care services is the highest. In medium and high growth cases, these 4 type of industry will serve as an average of 3~4% of growth, and play a role of a leading industry. With continuing globalization, the foreign production ratio of manufacturing sector will reach 25% in 2030. The share of electric machinery in the total exports will go up even to 44~46% in 2030. The supply of domestic primary energy will remain in an annual rate of -0.1%~0.4% during 2000~2030. However, the demand for grid electricity will grow constantly annually by 0.3~0.9%. The share of electricity in primary energy demand will increase and reach 49~50% in 2030. CO2 emissions in 2010 increase by 1.3~7.5% compared with the 1990 fiscal year. Reduction of CO2 emissions of 16.5~21.5 million tons of carbon is required in medium and high growth cases.







服部 恒明


永田 豊


星野 優子


若林 雅代



2030年の経済展望 Economic Outlook for the Year 2030
高齢化社会 Aging Society
財政破たん Financial Failure
電力需要 Electricity Demand
CO2排出量 CO2 Emissions
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry