電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
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条約のオーケストラ -複数の条約による温暖化防止将来枠組みシナリオ-
Orchestra of TreatiesThe Framework for Preventing Global Warming with Multiple Treaties
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
A scenario has been developed with the view of describing how the future of the global climate regime may evolve. The Orchestra of Treaties scenario emerges if countries share the following principles for re-building the climate regime: (1) recognize the sovereignty concerns attending energy policies; (2) build around national interests in technology and development; (3) avoid conflicts and enhance cooperation by appropriately framing core issues; and (4) address not only short-term emission cuts but also long-term technological change.The scenario captures the dynamics that emerge when multiple efforts are pursued by flexible coordination of actors that are motivated by diverse incentives. The emerging regime, the Orchestra of Treaties, will consist of four building blocks, of which three grow outside of UNFCCC: 1) Group of Emission Markets (GEM), 2) Zero Emission Technology Treaty (ZETT), 3) Climate-wise Development Treaty (CDT) that addresses. UNFCCC will serve as an information exchange arena, target funding mechanism and political focal point. The study presented here intend to provide a platform for policy makers to debate how the future climate regime may be designed. If the political interests and views remain diverse across countries, the Orchestra of Treaties may be the most environmentally effective regime among the alternatives.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
杉山 大志 |
経済社会研究所 |
共 |
Jonathan Sinton |
ローレンスバークレー国立研究所 |
和文 | 英文 |
京都議定書 | Kyoto Protocol |
地球温暖化 | Global Warming |
第二約束期間 | Second Commitment Period |
国際交渉 | International Negotiation |
制度設計 | Insititutional Design |