電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
Future Framework Scenarios to Prevent Global Warming
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
Four Scenarios have been developed with the view of describing how the future of global climate regime may evolve. The scenarios range from a deepening of the Kyoto framework to new regimes with multiple treaties. The studies presented here intend to provide a platform for policy makers to debate how the future climate range may be designed. All the scenarios address three key questions ‐ how the scenario look like, how the scenario may emerge, and how environmentally effective it may be. Graduation and Deepening scenario envisages a straightforward extension of the existing UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol frameworks. Market Convergence scearnio focuses on the emergence of an effective and liquid international carbon market. Orchestra of Treaties scenario captures the dynamics that emerge when multiple efforts are pursued by flexible coordination of actors that are motivated by diverse incentives. Human Development scnenario focuses on commitments from a developing country perspective. Findings from the comparative analysis revieled that there are many ways forward. None of the scenarios question whether the climate change problem is real and needs to be tackled by an international agreement. However, they do point in very different directions when it comes to arriving at a truly global regime, illustrating that there might be many ways of developing this. This is an important lesson, as our mindsets, as well as the international climate negotiations, tend to be framed by the structure of the Kyoto Protocol. This limits the range of options we normally consider and leaves us with few alternatives if the future UNFCCC negotiations fail.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
杉山 大志 |
経済社会研究所 |
共 |
Kristian Tangen |
ナンセン研究所(ノルウェー) |
共 |
Axel Michaelowa |
ハンブルグ国際経済研究所 |
共 |
潘家華 |
中国社会科学院 |
共 |
Henrick Hasselknippe |
ナンセン研究所(ノルウェー) |
和文 | 英文 |
京都議定書 | Kyoto Protocol |
地球温暖化 | Global Warming |
CO2 | CO2 |
シナリオ | Scenario |
将来枠組み | Future Framework |