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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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An Assessment of Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage Demands under Uncertainty

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

将来の貯蔵需要の動向を概観した上で、使用済燃料貯蔵技術の役割について展望を示す。主な結論は以下の通り。(1) 2020-30年にかけての中期的には、使用済核燃料の中間貯蔵需要は堅調に増大する。このため、中期的には貯蔵容量の着実な整備が課題となる。(2) 2050年までの長期的には、多くの不確実性要因が存在する。本評価では、それらを集約して分析するためのケース設定として、1)最尤度(基本)ケース、2)危機管理Aケース、3)危機管理Bケースを設定して分析した。評価の結果、貯蔵需要は長期的に量のみならず質が多様化すること、その結果として多様なニーズに対するきめ細かな対処が要求されていくものと予想される。(3) 使用済核燃料の貯蔵方式として、今後実用化が期待されるコンクリートモジュール貯蔵技術は、、上記のような貯蔵需要の不確実性への機動的な対処の観点で好ましい特性を持つと考えられる。

概要 (英文)

This report attempts to draw quantitative prospects of spent nuclear fuel management in Japan, with emphasis on uncertainty of storage needs for spent nuclear fuel up to the year 2050. The analysis shows that in a medium term up to 2020-2030, the storage need for spent nuclear fuel can be projected with relatively high accuracy as it steadily increase up to the level of 5,000tU. Thus, timely deployment of storage facilities is required accordingly. In a longer term up to 2050, a number of aspects may give influences on the desirable spent nuclear fuel management strategy, such as construction and operation of nuclear power reactor units as well as nuclear fuel cycle facilities. In this study, the author proposes a set of two indicative scenarios to analyze future storage needs; 1) The Highest Likelihood Case (Base Case), where present policies and strategies are kept unchanged, and 2) The Risk Management Case, where a worst conceivable situation is assumed to allow robust enough management strategy formulation. The results of quantitative simulation runs showed that the storage need for spent nuclear fuel will increase up to the level of 10,000t in the Base Case, while it would go up to 20,000-25,000t in the Risk Management Cases. Careful attention should be given to the point that not just quantity but characteristics of spent nuclear fuel to be stored will differ significantly, such as from lower to higher burnup, uranium and MOX (mixed oxide) fuels, etc. The results imply Japan’s nuclear spent nuclear fuel management may require timely and elaborate strategies and measures in the future, where the concrete modular storage methods, as new technological options, will have unique advantages of simple design and manufacture and flexible installation.







長野 浩司



使用済核燃料 Spent Nuclear Fuel
不確実性 Uncertainty
貯蔵需要 Storage Demand
リスク管理 Risk Management
情報の価値 Value of Information
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry