電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
Estimating the inter-regional input-output table of 10 power-supply regions:1995
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
This paper provides an estimation framework for the regional redivision of Japanese interregionalinput-output (IRIO) table for 1995 which is published from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry(METI). The METI table is the only IRIO table available in Japan, and the regions are divided bythe METI local administrative boundaries. The administrative boundaries do not always ect theactual interregional tarde. And our previously developed regional econometric model is based on the1990 power supply IRIO table. For the continuous analysis, the redivision of original METI table of1995 is necessary. The estimation methodology of 1995 power supply regions table is modied in thetreatment of the metal waste and the recycled paper, and the sample size of 'Regional commodity°ow survey'. We  ̄rst redivide the original nine regions of METI to 29 regions using 'Regionalcommodity °ow survey,' 'Prefecture input-output table,' and the interregional trade gravity model.The 29 regions are aggregated into 10 power supply regions. And the table is adjusted using thebi-proportional method. We  ̄nally evaluate our new table by the analysis of output inducementstructure and the key sector analysis. The new table enables the consistent time series analysis usingour previously developed interregional econometric model.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
唐渡 広志 |
経済社会研究所 |
共 |
山野 紀彦 |
経済社会研究所 |
共 |
人見 和美 |
経済社会研究所 |
和文 | 英文 |
地域間産業連関表 | Interregional input-output table |
電力供給地域 | Electric power-supply regions |
地域間交易係数 | Interregional trade coeffient |
基盤産業分析 | Key sector analysis |