電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
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原油価格上昇の日本経済への影響 -電中研短期マクロモデル2000によるマクロ影響の分析-
The effects of oil price rise on the Japanaese Economy
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
We analyzed the impacts of surge in oil prices on the Japanese economy and power demand by the simulation experiments using the CRIEPI quarterly econometric model 2000(CRIEPISMODEL2000). The effects of a surge in oil prices and the implications for real GDP, inflation and power demand are summarized as follows:i) A sustained 10% (about 2$/bl) increase in the price of oil lessens real GDP by 0.02% in the first year, 0.08% in the second and 0.18% in the third. This decrease is less than one-fourth than that of the second oil shock. The decrease of the domestic demand is less than one-fifth than that in the oil shock periods, and the decrease of net export in the second and third year has become large. It would raise consumer prices only by 0.03% in the first year, 0.06% in the second and the third, compared to the base line case with stable oil price. ii) The main reasons for the decreased impacts are: the repercussion effect of oil price rise to domestic prices has become small as a result of the decrease of the dependence on import oil of the Japanese economy after the late 1980’s, stable exchange rate in the appreciated level to the US dollar and the surge of the elasticity of import to income factors.iii) Power demand (9 utility-sales-base) would increase by 0.09% in the first year, 0.17% in the second and the third owing to the returned demand from self-generation in material industries.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
門多 治 |
経済社会研究所 |
共 |
星野 優子 |
経済社会研究所 |
和文 | 英文 |
計量経済モデル | Macroeconometric Model |
マクロ経済モデル | Macroeconomic Model |
原油価格 | Oil Price |
石油高騰 | Oil Price Surge |
シミュレーション分析 | Simulation Analysis |