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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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高齢化と世帯人員の変化が電灯需要に及ぼす影響ー地域別 ・世帯形態別・住宅の建て方別世帯数の予測ー


Impacts of population aging with changes in household-sizes on residential electricity demand - A forecast of the regional households by household-types and dwelling-types in Japan -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

構築したモデルを用いて、地域別・世帯形態別・住宅の建て方別世帯数を予測した結果、全国では、2010 年代に65 歳以上の高齢者単独世帯が179 万世帯増加する一方で、世帯主が65歳未満の非単独世帯等(核家族世帯や三世代世帯等を含む)が減少する。その結果、世帯数は2020 年に5346 万世帯でピークを迎える。高齢者単独世帯の比率は、2010 年における8%(北関東、中部、沖縄)~12%(四国)の水準から、2030 年に13%(東北、北関東、首都圏、中部、北陸、沖縄)~18%(四国)の水準まで拡大する。一戸建てに住む世帯数は、三世代世帯が減少することや共同住宅に住む傾向が高まること等により、全国では2015年をピークに減少する。2010~2030年において、首都圏(8%増)や沖縄(13%増)で増加となる一方、東北で14%減となるなど、減少する地域が多い。
総務省 家計調査を用いた分析から、2000~2010 年の世帯当たり電灯需要が年平均で0.68%増加する中、原単位の小さい高齢者単独世帯の比率が高まることで、世帯形態の変化は0.25%の減少に寄与したことを明らかにした。節電や電化率の変化等を考慮しないという条件の下で、世帯形態の変化が2010~2030 年の世帯当たり電灯需要に及ぼす影響を試算すると、首都圏のみ0.04%増となるが、他の10 地域は押しなべて減少し(0.10%減(四国)~0.03%減(沖縄))、全国で年率0.04%減となる。

概要 (英文)

Population in Japan is aging accompanied with decreases in household sizes. An increase of the elderly segment of population can cause residential electricity demand to increase, while increases of smaller households can cause the average demand per household to get smaller. Forecasting the number of households by household-types, which is defined by ages and sizes in this report, is thus important for forecasting the future residential electricity demand. This report, aiming at this, develops a model for the number of households by household-types and dwelling-types. Forecasted results by the model show that households of elderly single-person over 65 increase by 1.79 million during 2010-2020, while non-single households with householders younger than 65 decrease. The number of households will peak-out in 2020. Share of the elderly single-person households over 65 will increase to 13% (Tohoku, Kita-Kanto, Tokyo-Metropolitan Area (TMA), Chubu, Hokuriku, Okinawa) and 18% (Shikoku) in 2030. Since the number of three-generation households decreases and the rate of people living in apartment houses increases, households occupying detached houses start declining from 2015 all over Japan. Most regions, except for TMA and Okinawa, will face decreases of households occupying detached houses during 2010-2030. A simulation reveals that, while the average residential electricity demand per household increased by 0.68% per year during 2000-2010, the change in household-types contributed to decreasing the average demand by 0.25%. The change in household-type during 2010-2030 will decrease the average demand per household by 0.04 % per year in Japan, with decreasing it in most regions (e.g. -0.10% in Shikoku), while increase the average demand by 0.04% in TMA.







中野 一慶

社会経済研究所 経済・社会システム領域


電灯需要 Residential electricity demand
世帯形態 Household type
高齢化 Population aging
世帯数 Number of household
住宅の建て方 Dwelling type
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry