電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
An Analysis on Residential Customers' Choices between Regulated Tariffs and Market Based Tariffs after Liberalization of Retail Electricity Market
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
1. 家庭の4~5割が料金低下や料金メニューの多様化などの点で自由化に期待する一方、料金規制の撤廃に不安を感じる家庭も約4割存在している。
2. 規制料金の条件が選択に与える影響を実験的に分析した結果、規制料金の値上げ時に政府がコスト削減状況を査定することを需要家が認識すると、自由料金の選択が阻害される可能性があることがわかった。これは、規制料金を選択すれば値上げから守られるといった印象を需要家が抱くためと考えられる。
3. 全面自由化直後など規制料金による需要家保護が必要とされる中では、需要家保護と両立する自由料金の選択促進策が求められる。この手段としては、自由料金から規制料金への回帰を認めることや自由化への懸念を解消することが有効である。
概要 (英文)
A large number of residential customers do not choose market based tariffs under existence of regulated retail tariffs in Europe, which could prevent retail competition. It is important to understand residential customers' preferences and possible choices under existence of regulated tariffs after retail electricity market is fully liberalized in Japan. This study analyzes customers' attitudes towards liberalization and price regulation and residential customers' choices under existence of regulated tariffs based on customers' questionnaire survey (8,046 respondents) conducted in December, 2013. The results are summarized as follows.
(1) Approximately 40 percent of residential customers hope that electricity rate would decrease by liberalization in Japan. On the other hand, residential customers are also concerned about that they might not be protected by an increase and fluctuation in retail electricity price, which would be determined based on market competition without price regulation.
(2) Residential customers would not be likely to choose market based tariffs when customers recognize that regulated tariffs are approved by the Japanese energy regulator, because they would have an impression to be protected by choosing the latter.
(3) It would be effective to allow customers to switch to regulated tariffs even after they would once choose market based tariffs, in order to invite customers to switch to market based tariffs. It is also important to resolve customers' anxiety about liberalization to promote customers' switching.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
後藤 久典 |
社会経済研究所 電気事業経営領域 |
和文 | 英文 |
電気料金 | Electricity rate |
電力小売自由化 | Liberalization of retail electricity market |
家庭用需要家 | Residential customer |
規制料金 | Regulated tariff |
消費者行動 | Consumer behavior |