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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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電灯需要の構造分析とシミュレーション -47都道府県データによる実証分析-


Structural Analysis and Simulation of Residential Electric Demand in Japan

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

This study used data from Japan's 47 prefectures to estimate residential electricity demand functions and to perform a structural analysis of residential electricity demand. Further, this study simulated residential electricity demand in the future. The results show that the price elasticity of residential electricity demand ranges from -0.252 in Tokyo to -0.275 in Fukui, and that it changes in accordance with fluctuations in average household size. Income elasticity was found to be extremely low compared with price elasticity, which implies that residential electricity demand does not really change with income. This study also showed that the majority of growth in residential electricity demand can be accounted for by the number of households and habitual components expressed as lagged residential electricity demand. This suggests that the number of households and habitual components play an important role in forecasting future residential electricity demand in Japan. The predicted values of residential electric demand for each prefecture showed that effect of the decline in number of households between 2012 and 2020 will be relatively small. However, it was ascertained that these effect between 2020 and 2030 will become the predominant factor and consequently residential electric demand in many regions will reverse directions and decline. The results of a simulation analysis also suggest that the effects of changes in household patterns on residential electric demand should not be ignored.







大塚 章弘

社会経済研究所 経済・社会システム領域

中野 一慶

社会経済研究所 経済・社会システム領域


電灯需要 Residential Electric Demand
構造分析 Structural Analysis
シミュレーション Simulation
世帯数予測 Household Forecast
価格弾力性 Price Elasticity of Demand
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry