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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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2030年までの日本経済中期展望 -財政再建への道-


Outlook for the Japanese Economy towards 2030 -Road to Fiscal Reconstruction-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

(1) 展望の標準ケース(消費税率政府案5%引き上げ)
・2030年まで、日本経済は、2010~30年の通期平均で1.1%の実質成長を遂げる。低目の成長・物価安定の長期化の背景には、世界経済の減速(中成長)、円高基調の持続、民間消費・設備投資の伸び悩み等がある。需給の緩和傾向を背景に物価安定基調が続き、名目成長率が実質成長率と同程度の伸びにとどまるため、消費税率の5%引き上げの下でも、税収の伸び悩み等から基礎的財政収支(プライマリーバランス(PB)、国・地方計)の持続的な改善は期待できない(対名目GDP比2020年 -2.9%,30年-4.6%)。普通国債残高対GDP比も上昇を続ける(2020年144.9%、30年158.0%)。
(2) 東日本大震災と復旧・復興要因の影響
(3) 消費税率引き上げと財政再建

概要 (英文)

Japanese economy is recovering from the damage by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. Several medium term problems are receiving much attention now that have been brought over from before the earthquake such as the reconstruction of the finance of the Government, deflation and yen appreciation. This report shows an outlook for the Japanese economy toward 2030 and several simulations mainly on the fiscal drag after the reconstruction from the earthquake, the hike of the five percent consumption tax rate scheduled by the government and the cut of the pension payment by using the macroeconomic fiscal linked econometric model. Main forecasting and simulation results are as follows:
i) In the baseline case, the average annual growth rate of real GDP toward 2030 will be 1.1%. The economy will not be able to get out of the low growth path and disinflation because of the loose demand and supply conditions. The impacts of the Earthquake on the Japanese economy in the medium term is rather small, although in the short term, the real growth rate will be elevated by 0.2 to 0.4 percent points. The primary balance of the government (PBG, the fiscal balance less net interest payment(receipt)) will not go into the black due to the low nominal growth rate throughout the forecasting period (-2.9% and -4.6% per nominal GDP in 2020 and 30) including added consumption tax revenue.
ii) In the case of a strong overseas economy, weak yen rate and rather strong private consumption etc., the average real growth rate will be 1.6%(nominal 2% growth or so; high growth scenario) from 2010 to 2030. In this scenario, the PBG will go into the black in the early 2020's under the ten percent increase of the consumption tax rate. We can find some light toward the fiscal reconstruction then, but the hike of the consumption tax rate should be minimized by the help of the required outlay cut including pension payment and fare collection of the tax revenue through the additional institutional reform.







門多 治

社会経済研究所 経済・社会システム領域

浜潟 純大

社会経済研究所 経済・社会システム領域

桜井 紀久



日本経済 Japanese Economy
2030年の経済展望 Economic Outlook for the Year 2030
財政再建 Fiscal Reconstruction
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry