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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




日本型自由化制度改革の総合的評価 -欧米の動向を踏まえたわが国の展望と課題-


Overall Evaluation of the Electricity Liberalization System in Japan -Prospect and Issues learning from the Experiences in the US and Europe-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In order to contribute to the ongoing discussion about further electricity liberalization, this paper analyzes and evaluates the electricity liberalization systems in Japan as well as in the US and Europe from the viewpoints of economics, sciences of law and engineering. Further, learning from the world-wide experiences, prospects and issues of Japan' s electricity market reforms are induced. Main findings are as follows:
1. The switching rates in Japan are relatively low compared with those in the US and Europe whereas the electricity prices are decreasing steadily in Japan leading the reduction of price differences between Japan and foreign countries. As the background of this phenomenon, we can point out the potential pressure from liberalized customer groups, self-generators, and neighboring electric power companies to reduce prices.
2. Concerning the full liberalization, uncertainty is high whether the benefits overweigh the costs. However, when recognizing the significance of the expansion of retail choice, full liberalization is supported.
3. Concerning the structural unbundling, analysis of costs and benefits should be conducted from the viewpoints of reliability, economies of scope and harmonization of investments in generation and transmission in the longer term. From empirical studies in the US, separation of the transmission in the form of regional transmission organizations is not always supported.
4. When liberalizing electricity markets, the viewpoints from the customers are important. Customers evaluate and choose electricity suppliers based not only prices, but also reliability, customer services, and images of the companies. The latter non- price factors are more important than price factors.
5. Even in the full liberalization, some protection of customers is necessary. In Japan explicit stipulation is required to protect customers who do not reveal their willingness to select their suppliers. Such protection is stipulated in the name of "standard offer" or "supply obligation" in the US and Europe.
6. The following four aspects are important for power system technologies under the competitive environment: effective utilization of existing network assets, management of uncertainty, securing of transparency and fairness, and response to the diversified power supply form. It is required to ensure consistency with liberalization for steady penetration of distributed generation.
7. Reliability of electricity has the characteristics of "quasi- public goods". In order to secure enough reliability, enough generation and transmission facilities should be constructed. However, by relying only on market mechanism, enough generation and transmission facilities will not be constructed. Some element of planning or long –term perspective should be introduced.
8. Energy policy consists of increase in efficiency of the energy industry (liberalization), solving global warming problems accruing from use of energy, and securing energy security. These three policies should be implemented in a harmonized manner.







矢島 正之


蟻生 俊夫

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

栗原 郁夫


七原 俊也

システム技術研究所 需要家システム領域

服部 徹

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

後藤 久典

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

後藤 美香

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

丸山 真弘

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

山口 順之

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

渡邊 勇

システム技術研究所 情報システム領域

佐藤 佳邦

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域

大藤 建太

社会経済研究所 事業経営・電力政策領域


電力自由化 Liberalization of electricity market
全面自由化 Full liberalization
垂直統合 Vertical integration
需要家ニーズ Customer needs
系統運用 Power systems control
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry