電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
ガスタービン保守高度化に関する調査 --リスクベース保守(RBM)のガスタービンへの適用性--
Survey on Advanced Gas Turbine Maintenance-Aplicability of Risk-Based Maintenance (RBM) for GT-
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
Under the deregulation in the electric Utility, reduction of the electricity generating cost is strongly expected. In order to reduce the maintenance cost of the gas turbine combined cycle power generation with high efficiency and little CO2 emission, it is necessary to grade up maintenance based on its own responsibility. The introduction of the risk-based management (RBM) method in which the risk is evaluated the product of the failure probability and the damage estimation and will be minimized. RBM has given actual results in American Petroleum Institute(API), but there is no experience in Japanese fossil power generation equipments exept a boiler. It is expected to develop RBM for Japanese electric utility. Thanks to introduce this method for gas turbine, it is possible to reduce the maintenance cost of gas turbine. We have already collected gas turbine data, and built up an inspection method and estimation method of parts lifespan. It is possible to develop RBM for gas turbine to combine these method and developed gas turbine maintenance program. It will be necessary the task team by specialists in several field including user to evaluate the risk.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
森塚 秀人 |
横須賀研究所エネルギー機械部 |
共 |
藤岡 照高 |
狛江研究所金属材料部 |
共 |
藤井 智晴 |
横須賀研究所エネルギー機械部 |
共 |
高橋 毅 |
横須賀研究所エネルギー機械部 |
協 |
長坂 彰彦 |
ヒューマンファクター研究センター |
和文 | 英文 |
火力発電 | thermal power generation |
ガスタービン | gas turbine |
高温部品 | hot gas path part |
リスクベース保守 | Risk-Based maintenance |
信頼性工学 | Reliability Engineering |