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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Estimate of electricity production with biogas from waste biomass

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

再生可能エネルギー資源の一つである下水汚泥など高含水な廃棄物系バイオマスを対象にバイオガス発電を想定した発電量を試算した。各廃棄物系バイオマスの処理場または市町村毎の賦存量をもとに試算した全国の発電ポテンシャルは、下水汚泥で約33万kW、家畜ふん尿で約55万kWし尿・浄化槽汚泥で約2万kW、食品廃棄物で約92万kWと見積もられた。都道府県別で比較したところ、大都市を含む都道府県、北海道などで高いことが示された。一方、メタン発酵で不可欠な発酵残渣処理を考慮した場合、バイオガスの消費を伴う焼却では、余剰ガスによる発電量は下水汚泥で約24万kW、家畜ふん尿で約47万kW、食品廃棄物で約77万kWと見積もられ、設備消費電力を除いた余剰電力量はそれぞれ約3万kW、約29万kW、約48万kWと見積もられた。また、発電量1,000 kWを超える対象は、下水汚泥で約60の処理場、家畜ふん尿で約130の市町村などと推定された。

概要 (英文)

The use of renewable energy sources is becoming increasingly necessary. Waste biomass such as sewage sludge is a potential renewable energy source. The waste biomass can be converted to other usable forms of energy like biogas by anaerobic digestion, and the produced biogas can use to electricity generation. In this study, electric energy production from waste biomass in Japan was estimated. The biogas production was estimated from annual waste generation of sewage sludge, human waste, livestock waste and food waste from each local governments or treatment sites. When the produced biogas was used to gas engine power generation, each total electricity generation was estimated to 330 MW, 20 MW, 550 MW and 920 MW, respectively.
After the anaerobic digestion of those wastes, digestate as fermentation residue were remained. The digestate can distribute for agricultural land farmland as a fertilizer. However, many case of anaerobic digestion of the waste biomass in Japan, the digestate was necessary to be treated by incineration, solid fuel production and so on. Using of incineration as treatment of the digestate, the electricity generation was estimated to reduce from 20% to 30% by using a part of the produced biogas for an auxiliary fuel. And using of solid fuel production, it was estimated to reduce about 50%, however, a solid fuel from the digestate was produced the half level of calorific value to the produced biogas. Furthermore, residual electricity power except electric energy consumption of anaerobic digestion reactor and digestate treatment facilities was estimated. The residual electricity power with incineration as digestate treatment for sewage sludge, livestock waste and food waste was about 3 MW, 290 MW and 480 MW for, respectively. These electricity powers correspond to 10% to 50% of the electricity generation estimated from the annual waste generation.







渡邉 淳

環境科学研究所 応用生物工学領域

森田 仁彦

環境科学研究所 応用生物工学領域

松本 伯夫

環境科学研究所 応用生物工学領域


廃棄物系バイオマス Waste biomass
メタン発酵 Methane fermentation
バイオガス Biogas
再生可能エネルギー Renewable energy
発電 Electric power generation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry