電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
A rational and feasible pathway of CO2 emission reduction based on a new climate stabilization concept
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
Regarding the goal to keep the increase in global temperature to less than 2C, emission reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gases has been discussed on the basis of stabilizing the atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases toward 2100. As an alternative to this conventional stabilization paradigm, a new zero-emissions stabilization concept has been developed based on long-lasting natural CO2 absorption. This concept allows a near-term emissions increase and aims to attain zero emissions in the middle of the 22nd century, resulting in a long-term decrease in the concentration of greenhouse gases and thereby the mitigation of climate change. The emission pathway, termed Z650, designed on the basis of this new model, is recognized as a flexible alternative toward the 2C -goal, providing more room for reaching an agreeable compromise between developed and developing countries. The amount of CO2 emissions in 2050 for Z650 is 74% of 2000 levels, which is much greater than the 34% required for the conventional pathway. Although innovative technologies are required to attain zero emissions, the Z650 scenario allows sufficient time to develop such technologies. In the mean time, Z650 would see a relatively large increase in temperature during the 21st century, necessitating the adoption of adaptation measures. The Z650 scenario also allows for investigation of the possibility of climate restoration after the 22nd century.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
筒井 純一 |
環境科学研究所 大気・海洋環境領域 |
和文 | 英文 |
2℃目標 | 2C-target |
Z650 | Z650 |
ゼロ排出 | zero emissions |
累積排出量 | cumulative emissions |
炭素循環 | carbon cycle |