電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
海洋の溶存鉄濃度分布の数値シミュレーション - 有機配位子の空間分布導入によるモデルの高度化 -
Numerical simulation of dissolved iron distribution in the global ocean - Model improvement by incorporating spatially-varying organic ligand concentrations -
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
Evaluating iron cycle change is essential for projecting oceanic CO2 uptake under global warming owing to the iron limitation on phytoplankton growth. Although it is generally accepted that iron-binding ligands control dissolved iron distribution strongly, oceanic iron cycle models have assumed a spatially homogeneous ligand concentration because of limited knowledge regarding distribution of the ligands. This study incorporates a spatially-varying distribution of iron-binding ligand concentrations into an ocean general circulation model simulating the marine iron cycle. The distribution of apparent oxygen utilization is used as a proxy for humic substances that have recently been hypothesized to account for the bulk of iron-binding ligands in seawater. Compared to two control cases using the conventional approach with homogeneous ligand distributions, an experiment incorporating the spatially-varying ligand distribution exhibits substantial improvement in simulating the global dissolved iron distribution as revealed in available field data. The better model-data skill results largely because the spatially-varying ligand distribution results in a more reasonable basin-scale variation in the residence time of iron at high concentrations. Our model results, in conjunction with evidence from recent field studies, suggest that humic substances are playing an important role in the iron cycle in the ocean.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
三角 和弘 |
環境科学研究所 大気・海洋環境領域 |
共 |
津旨 大輔 |
環境科学研究所 大気・海洋環境領域 |
共 |
吉田 義勝 |
環境科学研究所 大気・海洋環境領域 |
和文 | 英文 |
海洋生態系モデル | Marine ecosystem model |
地球システムモデル | Earth system model |
地球温暖化 | Global warming |
鉄 | Iron |
有機配位子 | Organic ligands |