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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Public Acceptance of CO2 Capture and Storage in Australia and the Implication for Japan - Case Study of ZeroGen Project in Queensland -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

温暖化対策の一つとしてCCS技術に関する技術開発が国内外で進められている。本調査は、CCS実証プロジェクトが先行する豪州ZeroGenプロジェクトを調査し、環境影響評価(EIA)手続きと住民参加プロセスの点からわが国での社会的受容性に向けた課題を検討した。1) EIA:豪州のEIA制度は、評価項目に環境・社会・経済的影響、ハザード・リスク分析が含まれ、利害関係者の情報入手・意見表明など住民参加が定着している。2) 住民参加:ZeroGenでは、事業経営、国際的なCCS技術開発の発展において利害関係者との良好な関係を重要視している。地域住民には、ワークショップ、地域連絡会等により、相互理解、問題点把握と早期対処等を行っている。

概要 (英文)

There have been growing concerns over CCS (carbon dioxide capture and storage) in the world as an available mitigation option of Global Warming. One of the important concerns is the environmental impact assessment (EIA) to manage the risks of CCS. This report presents an overview of the EIA process of ZeroGen Project on-going CCS project in Queensland, Australia and examines it in terms of public involvement to learn the implication for public acceptance in Japan.
1) EIA process: The EIA is a legal process including the provision of involvement of the public. There are marked differences in the legal framework of EIS between Queensland (Australia) and Japan, particularly in the opportunities for public involvement. In addition the issues to be addressed in the EIA, which are set out in the TOR (Terms of Reference) by the government and community in the Queensland, cover cultural heritage, social and economic environment, hazard and risk, public consultation as well as the environment and have a wider scope compared with those addressed in the EIA in Japan.
2) Public involvement: ZeroGen has developed and implemented an advanced consultation regime for stakeholder involvement. The key approach to stakeholder involvement process is the establishment of Community Liaison Groups to facilitate active participation of community people. Another important approach was to provide participants in stakeholder workshops with balanced information and appropriate knowledge including scientific findings of global warming and the mitigation options as well as CCS technology.







窪田 ひろみ

環境科学研究所 環境リスク評価領域

横山 隆壽


馬場 健司

社会経済研究所 地域政策領域


二酸化炭素回収・貯留 CO2 Capture and Storage (CCS)
ゼロジェン プロジェクト ZeroGen Project
環境影響評価 Environmental Impact Assessment
住民参加 Public Involvement
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry