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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




中間周波磁界の生物影響評価 -マウスリンフォーマ試験による遺伝毒性評価-


Evaluation of Genotoxicity of Intermediate Frequency Magnetic Fields by Mouse Lymphoma Assay

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

In contrast to extremely low frequency and radio frequency electromagnetic fields (EMF), the biological effects of intermediate frequency (IF; 300Hz to 10MHz) EMF have not been studied very well. In our previous studies, we have reported the novel exposure system which can generate strong IF magnetic fields (MFs) of 0.91mTrms (146 times greater than ICNIRP guidelines for public) at 2kHz, 1.1mTrms (176 times) at 20kHz and 0.11mTrms (18 times) at 60kHz of IF MFs for in vitro research. We have also reported that the exposure of the IF MFs did not have mutagenic, co-mutagenic and/or gene conversion potentials in microbial genotoxicity tests, or micronucleus formation test with a mammalian cell line. In this study, we have investigated the effects of the IF MFs on genotoxicity in mammalian cells by mouse lymphoma assay. The assay can detect both point mutation (as large colony) and chromosomal aberration such as deletion (as small colony). A mouse lymphoma cell line, L5178Y tk+/- -3.7.2c, was used to evaluate the effects of the MF exposure on direct genotoxixity and DNA damage repair caused by methylmethane sulfonate (MMS). The cells were exposed to MFs of 0.91mTrms at 2kHz, 1.1mTrms at 20kHz or 0.11mTrms at 60kHz, for 24h at 37 C in 5% carbon dioxide. The ratio of mutation frequency of point mutation, chromosomal aberration or total mutation between MF exposed and unexposed control groups were mostly in the range from 0.8 to 1.2. In statistical analysis, neither significant nor reproducible difference in the mutation frequencies was found between exposure and control groups under the all MF exposure conditions. To examine the effects on DNA damage, the cells were exposed to each MF with MMS that potentiates mutation. In statistical analysis, neither significant nor reproducible difference in the mutation frequencies was found between exposure and control groups under the all MF exposure conditions. These results indicated that the strong IF MFs used in this study did not induce point mutation and chromosomal aberration, and did not affect DNA damage by MMS or DNA damage repair system in mammalian cells.







中園 聡

環境科学研究所 電磁界環境領域



重光 司

環境科学研究所 電磁界環境領域

根岸 正

環境科学研究所 電磁界環境領域

伊達木 穣

環境科学研究所 電磁界環境領域

山崎 健一

電力技術研究所 高電圧・電磁環境領域


中間周波磁界 intermediate frequency magnetic fields
生物影響 biological effects
遺伝毒性 genotoxic effect
マウスリンフォーマ試験 mouse lymphoma assay
哺乳類細胞 mammalian cell
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry