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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Review of mercury concentration and its charactaristics in fish and shellfish

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

State-of-the-art information on mercury (Hg) accumulation in fish and shellfish were investigated and oral intake of Hg through fishery products was estimated for Japanese, as one of the researches to elucidate the health risk of Hg produced from coal power plants in Japan.Major findings obtained from 130 papers issued after 1970 are as follows: 1. Average Hg concentrations of the edible parts of fish, invertebrates and whales were 0.14, 0.06 and 7.32ppm each on the fresh weight bases. 2. There were 12 fish species including swordfish, tunas, and deep-sea fish that exceeded 0.4ppm, a provisional allowed level in Japan, among 200 fish species examined. 3. Average Hg concentration of tooth whale showed much higher value of 11.35ppm than that of baleen whale of 0.07ppm.4. Mercury concentration of aquatic animals tended to increase according to the hierarchy in the food web, and to increase with the size in the same species.5. Habitat is considered to be one of the factors that affect Hg concentration in fish, and Hg of fish caught near industrial area was slightly higher than that of the other areas.6. Several papers in the USA and European countries showed that Hg concentration of fish was increased by flooding in reservoirs, however, the concentration is considered to decrease to original level during 20 to 30 years after flooding. 7. There is limited information on the effect of coal power plants on the Hg concentration of fish and shellfish with a large variety.8. Oral intake of Hg by Japanese through fish and shellfish is estimated to be 8.6ochg/individual (50kg in body weight)/day based on the data obtained in this study. Tuna species occupied the largest part with 40% of contributions.







岩田 仲弘


菊池 弘太郎



水銀 Mercury
魚介類 Fish and shellfish
濃度 Concentration
蓄積 Accumulation
文献調査 Literature survey
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry