電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
Alteration of chemical and physical properties of mudstone by intrusion of volcanic rocks
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
Massive mudstone of the Miocene Funakawa Formation in Akita prefecture that was altered by the andesite intrusion was studied. Mordenite, Opal-CT, Quartz, Albite, and Adularia were formed in it in the interval of 12m from the intrusive contact. The change of physical properties of mudstone caused by the andesite intrusion was characterized by the behavior of the SiO2 dominant hydrothermal water. In case of hydrothermal water intrusion from the andesite to mudstone, permeability of mudstone decreased by the precipitation of amorphous silica in the pore space of mudstone. On the other hand, in case of no migration of water, the permeability increased with the gradual change of d-spacings of opal-CT from about 4.08 to 4.02Å. The transition boundary of albite /zeolite can be found within 2 m from the intrusive contact and its temperature is estimated as about 190 ℃. The opal-CT decreased and quartz increased in the interval from 2.2 m to 6.2 m from the intrusive contact and its temperature is estimated as 65℃~100℃. The behavior that happened around the intrusive rock can be thought to be analogous to that around the heat generated high-level waste repository.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
中田 英二 |
我孫子研究所地質部 |
和文 | 英文 |
泥岩 | mudstone |
ナチュラルアナログ | natural analogue |
非晶質シリカ | amorphous silica |
高レベル放射性廃棄物 | high-level radioactive waste |
水-岩石相互作用 | water-rock interaction |