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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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分子育種法による高鉄含量レタスの作出(その4) --フェリチン遺伝子の後代への遺伝と成長量の増加--


Molecular breeding of high iron content lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) (Part4)Inheritance of transferred ferritin gene and enhanced growth of transgenic plants containing ferritin gene

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

We have produced transgenic lettuce plants accumulating an iron storage protein ferritin to fortify lettuce with iron. In this study, we obtained 2 main results. One was the integration pattern and the inheritance of the exogenous ferritin gene in transgenic lettuce plants. The other was the growth enhancement of transgenic plants containing ferritin gene. The primary transformants (T0 generation) and their progenies were selected by kanamycin (Km). Southern blot analysis of exsogenous genes in the transformants suggests that 1 or 2 intact ferritin gene(s) was(were) integrated into host genome. The fresh weights of all T1 transformed lines were heavier than that of the control plants 2 weeks after sowing. The heaviest transgenic line was 1.4 times than the weight of control plants. These transgenic lines were subsequently grown for 3 months. Five of the 6 transgenic lines tested were taller than that of the controls. The average height of the tallest line was 91 cm which was over 30 cm taller than that of the controls (56 cm). Flower buds were observed in transformants but flower buds of control plants had not yet formed. There was no apparent relationship between iron content and growth. A similar tendency towards greater growth was obtained from the seeds (T2 generation) of the transformed lines. The rates of photosynthesis in the transgenic lines were approximately 1.5 to 1.8 times greater than that of the control plants. The rate in controls was 1.55 mg-CO2/sec/m2. The maximum rate of photosynthesis of transgenic lines was 2.76 mg-CO2/sec/m2. These results demonstrate the possibility of producing lettuce plants with a high yield and rapid growth rate.







後藤 文之


吉原 利一



レタス lettuce
タバコ tobacco
フェリチン ferritin
成長 growth
形質転換体 transformant
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry