電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
Evaluation of liquefaction potential of gravelly soil layer based on field performance data
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
The Quaternary ground siting is one of a new siting type of nuclear power plants in Japan. Diluvial gravelly ground is considered to be one of the sufficient bearing strata for nuclear power plants. Therefore, it is necessary for diluvial gravelly ground not to liquefy during earthquakes. However, traces of liquefaction which occurred in gravelly soil layers are discovered by archaeological excavation conducted recently. Furthermore, some gravelly ground liquefied during 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake. All most all the gravelly soil layer which liquefied are alluvial deposits or reclaimed deposits, whereas only one diluvial gravelly soil layer might have liquefied during a strong earthquake. Firstly, detailed site investigation was conducted at the site where a diluvial gravelly soil layer might have liquefied during a strong earthquake. As a result, no evidence showing that the gravelly soil layer at the site had liquefied was found. Secondly, liquefaction assessment was conducted for the gravelly ground which experienced large earthquakes using the equation proposed by CRIEPI by which liquefaction strength could be evaluated. As a result, the results of the assessment were consistent with field performance data of the ground during earthquakes.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
田中 幸久 |
我孫子研究所地盤耐震部 |
共 |
金谷 守 |
我孫子研究所地盤耐震部 |
共 |
幡谷 竜太 |
我孫子研究所地質部 |
共 |
佐藤 清隆 |
我孫子研究所地盤耐震部 |
共 |
河井 正 |
我孫子研究所地盤耐震部 |
共 |
工藤 康二 |
我孫子研究所バックエンドプロジェクト天然バリアチーム |
協 |
岡田 哲実 |
我孫子研究所地盤耐震部 |
和文 | 英文 |
砂礫層 | Gravelly soil layer |
液状化 | Liquefaction |
事例調査 | Case study |
1995年兵庫県南部地震 | 1995 Hyogoken-Nambu Earthquake |
第四紀地盤立地技術 | Quaternary ground siting technology |