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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




商用周波磁界と免疫系(その1)-1.0 µTrms水平、および、1.4 µTrms回転磁界に曝露した抗CD3抗体刺激マウスのサイトカイン産生-


Power frequency magnetic field and immune system I. - Cytokine production of anti-CD3 antibody treated mice exposed to 1.0 µTrms horizontal or 1.4 µTrms circularly polarized magnetic field -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

The aim of this research is to examine possible effects of MF exposures on production of endogenous cytokines that play crucial roles in intercellular communication in the immunologic system. Mice were housed in identical exposure facilities, and they were exposed to MFs under various conditions. At the termination of exposure, T-cells in the exposed and sham-exposed animals were stimulated with an anti-CD3 epsilon antibody treatment. The animals were sacrificed at certain time points after the treatment. Produced three cytokines, tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), in sera and spleens were measured with enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Statistical evaluations were always performed between MF-exposed animals and corresponding sham-exposed animals. We first determined the bases of these cytokine productions in the two groups of mice without an MF exposure. No differences between those two groups of animals in either cytokine were evident. Optimal exposure term, 1 to 9 weeks, and strain differences, ddY and C57BL/6, were also explored. Thereafter, groups of twelve ddY mice were exposed to 50 Hz, 1.0 µTrms horizontal MF or 1.4 µTrms circularly polarized MF for 6 weeks. Control animals were treated as the same except MF exposures. The results indicated that there appear to be less change by the horizontal MF exposure whereas several changes, some were statistically significant, were detected by circularly polarized MF exposures. Overall tendency included increases in TNF-α, decreases in IL-6, and no alteration in IFN-γ. The reproducibility of the results, however, was not preserved among replications, namely both increase and decrease in each cytokine were detected in repeated experiments under the same conditions. This leads the authors to conclude that obtained data did not support the definitive effect of MF exposure on the endogenous cytokine production under conditions examined. Additional experiments with much higher intensity of MF exposure are underway to investigate the possible MF influences on the production of endogenous cytokines in the exposed mice that are stimulated with an anti-CD3 antibody treatment.







西村 泉


皆川 知紀


小華和 柾志


浅野 美代子


中根 明夫


加藤 正道


重光 司



商用周波磁界 Power Frequency Magnetic Field
生物影響 Biological Effect
動物曝露実験 Animal Exposure Experiment
サイトカイン Cytokine
抗体刺激 Antibody Stimulation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry