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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Review of health and biological effects of diesel exhaust

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Diesel exhaust (DE) is composed of diesel exhaust particulates (DEP), fine carbon core particulates and a mixture of various gases. Legal regulations of DEP, nitric oxides, carbon hydroxides, and monocarbon oxide from mobile diesel engine were issued in 1993 in Japan, and the regulation has been tightened since then. In view of comprehensive reduction of suspended particulate matter, immobile diesel facility including regional diesel engine power plants could be covered under the regulation in near future. This study aims at surveying research outcomes in epidemiology and toxicology of DE exposure. Epidemiological research revealed the mortality of lung tumor among railroad workers and truck drivers, who have been occupationally exposed to DE, rose 1.2- to 1.5-fold relative to the matched control cohort, although the difference is not statistically significant in most of these studies. Epidemiological results also indicated that respiratory functions were slightly but significantly affected by the DE exposure. Voluntary human exposure to DE altered the number of lung immune cells and lung physiological functions. DE and DEP inhalation in human strongly related to decreased particulate clearance in the lung and to aggravation of pulmonary allergic symptoms. Biological studies showed that the lethal dose 50 (LD50) of DEP in the mouse is 20 mg/kg body weight. DE inhalation caused inflammation, hyperplasia of airway epithelial cells and decreased lung clearance. Nose administration of DEP evoked increases of immunogloblins and cytokines production related to asthma. In the animal model of pollen allergy, respiratory functions were also changed by the DEP administration. Long term DE inhalation exposure was carcinogenic in the rat. Even though the lack of quantitative human data for health risk assessment, International Agency for Research Center classified DEP as a probable carcinogen to human based on animal exposure experiments. Fineness of DEP makes it difficult to be eliminated from the lung, which is thought to be one reason for cancer. Mutagenic substances absorbed on the DEP are also responsible for cancer. One way to decrease the potential health risk of DE is to reduce DEP in DE. Exclusion of DEP by filtering, decreasing sulfur content and aromatic compounds in diesel fuel, and using high cetan value fuel are considered to be effective. Results of our survey indicate that DE exposure adversely affect respiratory functions and deteriorates allergic status. Carcinogenicity of the DE is also suggested. Biological effects of DE are due to mainly the fineness of DEP and attached chemicals to the particulates. Because the DEP is largely responsible for DE toxicity, reducing DEP in DE should be effective to decrease suggested health effects of DE.







西村 泉


窪田 ひろみ


辻 博文


牧野 尚夫



ディーゼル排気 diesel exhaust
ディーゼル排気微粒子 diesel exhaust particulate
健康影響 health effect
生物影響 biological effect
文献調査 literature survey
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry