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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




環境中における放射性核種の挙動に及ぼす微生物影響評価(その1) --プルトニウムとネプツニウムのベントナイトへの吸着挙動に及ぼす地下微生物の還元作用およびシデロフォアの影響--


Microbial impact on the behavior of radionuclides in the environment (1) -Adsorption behavior of Pu(IV) and Np(V) by bentonite under the influence of microbial reduction and siderophore-

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

It is essential to understand the behavior of actinide in the environment to determine if the repositories can safely contain high-level radioactive waste. In the meantime, microbes contribute to the number of geochemical reactions in the subsurface environment, and some microorganisms can interact with actinides directly and/or indirectly (e.g., biotransformation, biosorption, bioaccumulation). From this point of view, we first investigated experimentally the microbial influence on the adsorption behavior of neptunium, which element is highly mobile in the environment because of the chemical form, NpO2+. With the cells(Desulfovibrio desulfaricans), Np in suspension was decreased to 5 % or less for 10 min, whereas the reductive adsorption by reducing agent Na2S, i.e., without cells, was much slower. This may show the microorganism reduce mobile Np(V) enzymatically to immobile Np(IV). Secondly, we studied the effect of iron-chelator(Hydroxamate siderophore, Desferrioxamate B(DFOB)) on plutoniumIV adsorption behavior. The Pu adsorption decreased with increasing concentration of DFOB and reduced to almost 0% at DFOB concentrations of 100mM. However, at the low concentrations of DFOB and Pu (less than 1 x 10-6 mol/l and 3.7 x 10-11 mol/l respectively), there was little effect of DFOB on the adsorption of Pu. This result shows the DFOB effect on adsorption of Pu depends on the concentration of DFOB. At the low DFOB concentration, Pu would not chelate with DFOB because DFOB in the solution is not enough to form the complexes. DFOB actually dissolved impurities associated with bentonite, and the concentration of dissolved metal, e.g., Fe3+, was increasing with an increase of DFOB concentration in the suspension. These metal ions would compete with actinides, and the metal exchange may occur in a system with actinide-DFOB complexes.These results show that microorganisms can influence the behavior of actinides in the environment. Therefore, it is getting more important to understand and predict the microbial impact on the migration of radionuclides from waste repositories, as well as developing remediation and decontamination strategies for contaminated sites.







長岡 亨


渡部 良朋


Akira Kudo

National Research Council Canada

馬原 保典



アクチニド元素 actinides
吸着挙動 adsorption behavior
微生物 microorganism
酸化還元反応 redox reaction
キレート chelation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry