電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
The Transuranic Mass Balance during the Introduction of Metal Fuel FBR Cycle
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
The mass flow of plutonium and minor actinides is calculated for a future light water reactor-fast breeder reactor (LWR-FBR) transition scenario, in which power generation by LWRs is continued on a certain scale for a long period before the replacement by FBRs begins. The burnup of the LWR spent fuel is considered to be higher than the current standard. It is assumed that all the plutonium and minor actinides recovered from LWRs are used to start up and feed metal fuel commercial FBRs, which replace those LWRs that have reached the end of their life. The results show that the accumulated plutonium and minor actinides from the LWRs can be consistently consumed without further accumulation, by gradually establishing the FBR power generation and its fuel cycle on the same scale. The optimum content of the minor actinides in the standard FBR fuel is about 2 weight percents. This result indicates that if FBRs are introduced in the future, extention of the LWR usage period will cause no significant problems in terms of the consumption of accumulated transuranic elements.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
横尾 健 |
狛江研究所原子力システム部 |
共 |
井上 正 |
狛江研究所原燃サイクル部 |
和文 | 英文 |
金属燃料高速増殖炉 | Metal Fuel FBR |
超ウラン元素リサイクル | Recycle of Transuranic Elements |
超ウラン元素マスバランス | Mass Balance of Transuranic Elements |
燃料サイクルシナリオ | Fuel Cycle Scenario |
高速増殖炉燃料サイクル | FBR Fuel Cycle |