電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
超ウラン元素の乾式分離技術の開発 --分離プロセスの改良と実証--
Development of pyropartitioning of transuranium elements from high-level liquid waste - Improvement of the Pyropartitioning Process and Process Demonstration-
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
The partitioning of transuranium elements (TRUs) from high-level liquid waste (HLLW) through the use of pyrometallurgical technology has been underway since 1986, for the purpose of the improving the safety and public acceptance of the disposal of high-level vitrified waste. Prior to the pyropartitioning process, the alkali metals can be separated at the denitration process for oxide conversion of HLLW, chlorination in a chloride salt bath can be used to effectively convert oxides to chlorides, and evaporated chlorides can be captured with high efficiency in another adopted chloride salt bath. The higher separation factors between actinides and rare earths are obtained in a LiCl-KCl/Bi system than in a LiCL-KCl/Cd system. Based on the results, we propose a practical process flow for partitioning TRUs from HLLW by pyrometallurgical technology. This process was demonstrated successfully using simulated purex waste. Each element of the TRUs was separated with an efficiency of higher than 99%, with an accompanying small amount of rare earths, through the pyrometallurgical process. The material balance flow sheet is estimated to be capable of treating 4 t of HLLW par day.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
井上 正 |
狛江研究所原燃サイクル部 |
共 |
木下 賢介 |
狛江研究所原燃サイクル部 |
共 |
倉田 正輝 |
狛江研究所原燃サイクル部 |
共 |
土方 孝敏 |
狛江研究所原燃サイクル部 |
共 |
魚住 浩一 |
狛江研究所原燃サイクル部 |
共 |
坂村 義治 |
狛江研究所原燃サイクル部 |
共 |
加藤 徹也 |
狛江研究所原燃サイクル部 |
和文 | 英文 |
乾式再処理 | Pyrometallurgical reprocessing |
乾式分離 | Pyrometallurgical partitioning |
還元抽出 | Reductive extraction |
TRU核種 | Transuranic elements |
高レベル廃液 | High level liquid waste |