電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)
報告書データベース 詳細情報
電解還元技術による使用済み酸化物燃料の処理 -使用済み軽水炉燃料の処理プロセスおよび回収燃料の燃焼特性評価-
Application of Electro-Chemical Reduction Technology to Spent Oxide Fuel Processing - Material flow of LWR spent fuel processing and burnup analysis for metal fuel FBR -
概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)
概要 (英文)
The material balance of a pyro-processing based on an electro-chemical reduction technology is evaluated for LWR-MOX (40GWd/t) and high burnup LWR (48GWd/t) spent oxide fuels and a burnup analysis of metal fuel FBR cores is conducted on the low decontamination materials recovered from the pyro-processing. It was clarified that, in case of processing LWR-MOX spent fuel, about 60% of UO2 is collected separately in advance of the electro-chemical reduction process and the recovered alloy, which has the composition U:Pu:MA:FPs= 29.8:7.2:0.7:1.4, can be used as an ingredient of FBR fuel without further decontamination processing. On the other hand, the electro-reduced product of high burnup LWR spent fuel needs further decontamination of FPs by an additional process such an electro-refiner because the recovered Pu is accompanied by almost the same amount of FPs. However, the amount of treated materials is reduced to about 10% of total spent fuel owing to the prior UO2 collection process. These results showed that the application of electro-chemical reduction technology to LWR spent oxide fuel is a promising concept for rational transition to the metal fuel FBR cycle.
担当 | 氏名 | 所属 |
主 |
太田 宏一 |
狛江研究所金属燃料・乾式リサイクルプロジェクト |
共 |
井上 正 |
狛江研究所金属燃料・乾式リサイクルプロジェクト |
共 |
坂村 義治 |
狛江研究所金属燃料・乾式リサイクルプロジェクト |
共 |
木下 賢介 |
狛江研究所金属燃料・乾式リサイクルプロジェクト |
和文 | 英文 |
電解還元 | Electro-Chemical Reduction |
乾式再処理法 | Pyrometallurgical Reprocessing |
使用済み軽水炉燃料 | LWR Spent Fuel |
低除染燃料 | Low Decontamination Fuel |
金属燃料高速炉 | Metal Fuel FBR |