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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報




災害時の配電設備の応急復旧過程シミュレータの開発(その1) -シミュレータの設計およびプロトタイプシミュレータの開発-


Development of an Emergency Restoration Process Simulator of Electric Power Distribution Equipments after a Disaster (No. 1) - Design of a Simulator and Development of a Prototype -

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)



概要 (英文)

Once a large-scale disaster such as an earthquake or a typhoon had occurred, some damage to the widespread electric power distribution equipments is inevitable. Therefore, the Japanese electric power companies have continued the effort of the speed-up of emergency restoration process up to now.
On the other hand, dependence on the electric power has risen more and more by the advancement of informatization and the spread of all electrification houses. As a result, the demand for the quick restoration of the electric power has increased. It is necessary to analyze the detail of the process of
restoration to examine the possibility of quick restoration of the electric power in a time of desaster, and to realize further speed-up.
So, we designed a multi-agent simulator that actually expressed the work item of each process of the emergency restoration process of the electric power distribution equipments. The simulator can estimate the time required until the emergency restoration process is completed. Moreover, we developed a prototype to examine the feasibility.
We performed test simulations changing the regional distribution of damaged equipments and methods of instruction with the prototype. From the test simulations, we measured the restoration time in detail. By the result, we confirmed that the difference of the condition was reflected as a difference of
restoration time. And the concept of the simulator of restoration process was verified.
In the future, we will adjust presumption by the simulator to approach the estimation of the workers of the restoration process through a hearing to them.







佐賀井 重雄

システム技術研究所 情報システム領域

朱牟田 善治

地球工学研究所 地震工学領域


復旧支援 restoration support
マルチエージェント multi agent
シミュレーション simulation
台風 typhoon
地震 earthquake
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry