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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

報告書データベース 詳細情報






Applications of Stochastic Programming to Optimization Problems in Electric Power Industry

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)


概要 (英文)

Mathematical programming has been applied to various fields in everyday life. However for many actual problems, the assumption that the parameters involved in the problem are deterministic known data is often unjustified. These data contain uncertainty and are thus represented as random variables, since they represent information about the future. In this paper, we consider a mathematical programming problem in which some parameters are uncertain. Decision-making under conditions of uncertainty involves potential risk. For example, setting up too few new electric power plants may result in a shortage of capacity for future electricity demand. On the other hand, excessive investment will cause an excess of capacity. Our problem is thus a strategic decision problem under uncertainty, and can be viewed as a stochastic programming problem. The approach to stochastic programming is classified into two approaches: stochastic programming with recourse and chance-constrained programming. The electric power industry is undergoing restructuring and deregulation, and it is necessary to incorporate uncertainties such as the level of electric power demand and availability of power generators into the optimization problem in the electric power industry. The purpose of this paper is to develop algorithms to solve stochastic programming problems and their applications to optimization problems in the electric power industry. In this paper, we consider four optimization problems in the electric power industy. The stocchastic programming model with recourse is applied to the topological design of centralized communication networks andthe unit commitment problem. As for the maintenance scheduling problem of power plants and the electric power capacity expansion problem, the chace-constrained programming model is developed. Our studies clearly show stochastic programming to be very valuable for solving the optimization problem in the electric power industry.







椎名 孝之



不確実な状況下での最適化 Optimization under Uncertainty
数理計画法 Mathematical Programming
確率計画法 Stochastic Programming
電気事業への応用 Applications to Electric Power Industry
リスク Risk
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry