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電力中央研究所 報告書(電力中央研究所報告)

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Applicability of IEC60870-6 (TASE.2) to the Japanese Utility Communication

概要 (図表や脚注は「報告書全文」に掲載しております)

欧米諸国などでは、電力系統の運用監視制御通信のためのプロトコルとして国際標準であるIEC標準が用いられているが、現状では日本においてはあまり利用されていない。しかし今後は、相互接続性や標準仕様の利用によるコストダウンを目的として利用が進むことも予想される。 このような背景から、電力系統の監視制御用通信プロトコルとして欧米で広く用いられているTASE.2 (IEC60870-6)を調査し、日本の電力用通信への適用可能性を機能と性能の面から評価した。 この結果、TASE.2のオブジェクトにより、わが国の監視制御で利用されている各種計測情報や、開閉器などの機器情報が表現可能であること、主要な機能が実現可能であることを明らかにした。 さらに、典型的なネットワーク構成を想定し、監視・制御情報伝送の遅延時間をシミュレーションにより評価した結果、要求される時間内に十分収まることがわかった。

概要 (英文)

In Europe and North America, international standards are widely used due to interoperability of different utility systems or different supplier's equipment, and cost reduction due to the competence of suppliers. On the other hand, Japanese utility has used proprietary protocols since there were few needs to communicate with different systems. In recent years, however, utility companies have been concerned with the possibility of the international standards as expecting requirements of interoperability of different system.Those international standards relating to power utility communication have been standardized by International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC). For SCADA (supervisory control and data acquisition) system between control centre and control center/substation, IEC standardized several protocols as IEC International Standard (IS). Among them, IEC60870-6, Telecontrol Application Service Element Two (TASE.2), is one of the most popular protocols for control centre to control centre communication used in Europe and North America.TASE.2 communication model is a client-server model with total nine object models at server site as Server Object. These objects represent various information concerning the communication such as measurement/status values, controlled devices or transfer setting etc. and client can use various functions such as getting values, setting up a connection, executing program at server site and controlling devices etc. to send operations defined for each object.In this report, we investigate applicability of the TASE.2 to Japanese utility supervisory and telecontrol communication between control centre and control center/substation. The applicability is evaluated in the capability of data representation, functionality and performance (delay time) point of view.As a result, the objects have a capability of representing values and devices of the supervisory and control system information and have basic functions for the communication. However, some auxiliary functions cannot be realized directly form objects functions. In delay time point of view, TASE.2 communication satisfies requirements of supervisory and telecontrol on a typical configuration of network.







大場 英二


Richard Schimmel

- KEMA Consulting

John Jansen van der Sligte

- KEMA Consulting

芹澤 善積



遠隔監視制御 SCADA
遠方制御 telecontrol
制御所 control center
変電所 substation
Copyright (C) Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry